How to read data from 2N®SmartCOM (PRO) memory?
AMS (Autonomous Metering System) – protocol M-Bus
AMS (Autonomous Metering System) - protocol IEC 62056-21
Readout data from 2N®SmartCOM (PRO):
^SCDATA: "MESS_CNT" - number of saved messages in memory
^SCDATA: "GET_SPACE" - available memory in bytes
^SCDATA: "GET_OLDEST" - listing of oldest message
^SCDATA: "GET_FILTERED","0-150" - listing messages by applied filter
^SCDATA: "DEL_OLDEST" - delete oldest message
^SCDATA: "DEL_ALL" - delete all saved messages
Command "get_oldest"
at^scdata="get_oldest" - listing oldest message
at^scdata="get_oldest", X - listing X oldest messages
<type of record> - type of record - AMS (Autonomous Metering System) or WMBUS (Wireless M-BUS)
<time_stamp> - time mark (32-bit Unix timestamp)
<sequential_number> - sequential number of saved record (increasing +1)
<protocol> - name of protocol (IEC62056-21", "MBUS", "AIN_DIN", "Unknown")
<index> - index of device from table of devices
<error_code> - number 0 = without error
<device_identification> - only used for IEC 62056-21 (not used in M-Bus and "AIN_DIN")
<data> - raw data
^SCDATA: "AMS",1449585962,4,"MBUS",1,0,"","685E5E680800726817030865329906AF0000000C13022000000B22746404046D0511E81C326C00000C786817030806FD0C0A000100FA010DFD0B05313248465701FD0E004C1374180000426CDF1C0F37FD170000000000000000027A2502027825021F16"
^SCDATA: "WMBUS",1449586020,5,-68,20,"44B409466316140A077A9B0800000C1305000000"
Command "del_oldest"
at^scdata="get_oldest" - delete oldest message
at^scdata="get_oldest" - delete X oldest messages
at^scdata="del_all" - delete all saved messages
Command "get_filtered"
Commnad for filtering saved messages. It is possible to use up to 10 conditions in one "get_filtered" command
General format for <filter> is <condition>;.......;<condition>
Answer is listed only when all conditions are passed
General format for <condition> is> <parameter><relation><value><parameter>
Available <parameters>:
RECORD_TYPE - Type of record - AMS or WMBUS
TIME - timestamp in unix format - "32-bit Unix timestamp"
TABLE_ID - index of the device in the table
ERROR_CODE - error code
Available <relation>:
== - is equal
!= - not equal
> - greather then
>= - greather then or equal
< - is less then
<= - is less then or equal
Available <value>:
text string or value
listing of all Wireless M-BUS messages in memory
listing of all AMS messages with timestamp from 1388665085 till 1388668685 including
listing of all AMS messages, which were receive from device 1 and have timestamp newer than 1388665085
listing of all messiges without error (error code is 0)
listing of all AMS messages without error (error code is 0) and and have timestamp newer than 1388668685
Test 2N® SmartCom (PRO) - Terminal error buffer code description