PC Operator and Application server - How to install it in 2N®NetStar


Communication scheme for 2N® NetStar, Application Server, PC Operator an PC Communicator:

As you can see on the scheme above, if you want to use PC Operator, you have to install Application server first!

How to install Application Server

  • Download the application server installer and run the installation.

  • Note the path of the folder to which will be the application server installed (PC Operator installation file will be here).

  • When the installation is complete, close it and run the application server.

  • When the Netstar Application Server Panel window appears, set the IP address of your 2N® Netstar and upgrade the NsBridge.dll library. You can find it on your computer in C:\Program Files\2N TELEKOMUNIKACE\2N NetStar\NetStar Admin Tool 3.x.x\Bridge folder.

  • Then move to the "License" tab and click "Download licenses" button to get the licenses from 2N server. If you do not have the licenses yet, then get the serial number and send it together with the list of required licenses to 2N technical support.

  • Now is the installation and settings of Application server done and you can install the PC Operator!

How to install PC Operator

Go to the path where the application server was installed and run the installation of PC Operator.

When the installation is done, run the PC Operator.

Click the "Connection Setting ..." button and specify the IP address of Application server.

When the IP address is set, insert the Username and Password of the user. This user must be created in 2N® Netstar and it must have assigned password.

PC Operator have two options how to assigned it to telephone station:

  • First option is CTI interface. If the user which you use for login has analog or digital station, you will be able to initiate and accept the calls via PC Operator. If you are connected this way, you can recognize it by parameter "Status" which will be set to connected (bottom right corner).

  • Second option is to register PC Operator as SIP station. In this case you need that a user whom you use for login to PC Operator has created SIP station. If this requirement is met, go to section "Setting -> Options" and in tab "SIP station" add new profile and fill all necessary parameters.

After this will PC Operator restart itself and in the bottom line you should see parameter "SIP station" online. Now is the CTI interface disabled and for calls SIP station will be used.

How to install NetStar Communicator

Installation and setting procedure for Netstar Communicator is the same as for PC Operator, so please follow the steps above.