Version | Changes |
2.44 | - HTTP API support for 2N LiftIP 2.0
- Addition of the api/system/timezone function.
- Addition of the api/system/timezone/caps function.
- Expansion of the api/system/time function of the PUT method for time configuration.
2.42 | - Addition of the api/cert/ca function.
- Addition of the api/cert/user function.
2.40 | - The /api/lpr/licenseplate function has been extended to include parameters lprID and lprDir.
2.39 | |
2.38 | - Expansion of the MotionDetection event by the ID parameter, which specifies the motion detection profile number on the web interface.
2.37 | - Addition of the api/accesspoint/grantaccess function.
- Addition of the ApiAccessRequested event generated whenever the /api/accesspoint/grantaccess request is sent with the result "success" : true.
2.36 | |
2.35 | - Addition of the api/system/time function for device time retrieval.
- Addition of the api/system/time/set function for device time setting.
- Addition of the users parameter to api/call/dial for making calls to one or more users.
2.34 | - Addition of the api/lift/grantaccess function for enabling lift floors based on authorization in another device.
| - Addition of the /api/pcap/live, api/pcap/live/stop and api/pcap/stats functions for incoming / outgoing packet capture control.
2.32 | - Addition of the /api/lpr/licenseplate function for access control based on license plate recognition.
- Addition of the api/lpr/image function for retrieving images received from license plate recognition.
2.31 | - Addition of the /api/mobilekey/config for reading and writing location IDs and encryption keys for Bluetooth Authentication.
2.30 | - Removal of the apbBroken parameter from the AccessTaken event.
- Addition of the apbBroken parameter to the UserAuthenticated event.
2.29 | - Addition of the new function for api system caps.
- New event CapabilitiesChanged.
2.28 | |
2.27 | - New events: LiftStatusChanged, LiftConfigChanged, LiftFloorEnabled.
- Addition of the new functions for api holidays, api config holidays, api dir template, api dir create, api dir update, api dir delete, api dir get, api dir query.
2.26 | - New events: DtmfEntered, AccessTaken, ApLockStateChanged, RexActivated.
2.25 | |
2.24 | - Change of user addition to the directory due to deletion of positions.
2.23 | - Addition of the switchDisabled parametr to UserRejected event.
2.22 | - New events: CardHeld, PairingStateChanged, SwitchesBlocked, FingerEntered, MobKeyEntered, DoorStateChanged, UserRejected, DisplayTouched.
2.21 | - The api/display/image (display, blob-image, blob-video, duration, repeat parameters) function extended for 2N® IP Verso
- New events: UserAuthenticated, SilentAlarm, AccessLimited
- Addition of the timeSpan parameter to the /api/email/send function
2.15 | - New events: TamperSwitchActivated, UnauthorizedDoorOpen, DoorOpenTooLong and LoginBlocked
- Addition of the tzShift event that gives the difference between the local time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
- The email/send function extended with a resolution setting option for the images to be sent
2.14 | Addition of the api/pcap, api/pcap/restart and api/pcap/stop functions for network traffic download and control Addition of the audio/test function for automatic audio test launch Addition of the email/send function Addition of the response parameter to the /api/io/ctrl and /api/switch/ctrl functions The /call/hangup function extended with a reason parameter specifying the call end reason New events: MotionDetected, NoiseDetected and SwitchStateChanged The CallStateChanged event extended with a reason parameter specifying the call end reason
2.13 | |