2. HTTP API Description
All HTTP API commands are sent via HTTP/HTTPS to the intercom address with absolute path completed with the /api prefix. Which protocol you choose depends on the current intercom settings in the Services / HTTP API section. The HTTP API functions are assigned to services with defined security levels including the TLS connection request (i.e. HTTPS).
Example: Switch 1 activation
The absolute path includes the function group name (system, firmware, config, switch, etc.) and the function name (caps, status, ctrl, etc.).
To be accepted by the intercom, a request has to include the method and absolute path specification followed by the Host header.
GET /api/system/info HTTP/1.1 Host: Intercom HTTP Server reply: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: HIP2. Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 253 { "success" : true, "result" : { "variant" : "2N IP Vario", "serialNumber" : "08-1860-0035", "hwVersion" : "535v1", "swVersion" : "", "buildType" : "beta", "deviceName" : "2N IP Vario" } }
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