Bosch VMS



Version 12

Version 10

Version 7

Version 6

Version 5

Version 4

Used Symbols


Bosch Video Management Systems home page: Best in class integration of Bosch CCTV devices and UL intrusion panels, Highest resilience to ensure continuous operation, Superior alarm handling with alarm priorities and selectable user group distribution, Edge based intelligent Video Analytics (IVA) and forensic search, Support of 3rd party cameras via RTSP, HTTP, MJPEG, ONVIF Profile S, Advanced user interface concepts for effective and efficient operation

Version 12

Tested Functions

Bosch Video Management System2N IP Intercom VersionScan deviceVideo from 2N IP IntercomAudio from 2N IP IntercomAudio to 2N IP IntercomSwitch controlEvents from 2N IP Intercom




2N IP Intercom Settings

The setting of 2N IP Intercom is very easy. In the first step you have to double check the license uploaded in intercom. Therefore go to section "System – Licence – Licence Status". Next you have to switch to section "Services  – Streaming – ONVIF" and enable there RTSP Server and  “Audio and Video stream” mode as shown in the picture below.

It is now possible to distinguish individual ONVIF Virtual Input Ports, which are identified by the port parameter of the SetOnvifVirtualInput Action block. In the following example Virtual Input Port number 2 is controlled by pressing a quick dial button. It can be of course controlled by different Automation events such as Motion Detected or Input Changed.

To activate the switch of controls you need to set the function in Automation, see picture below. 

If the switch controls are set using automation (see picture below), the relay is no longer set in the Bosch configuration client.

If the automation looks like this (see picture below), the relay is still set in the Bosch configuration client.

The difference between setting automation in the 2N device and or setting Relay in the Bosch configuration client is as follows.
Settings in the automation of the 2N device - in the Bosch Operator Client, it shows the switch being switched on, for example, after entering a passcode on the keypad when ActivateSwicht is set in automation.
If the Relay is set in the Bosch Configuration Client it is controlled by a state change in the Bosch Operator Client.

Tested Features

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Devices, item Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Add Streaming Gateway.

Right mouse click at Streaming Gateway, in the context menu choose Scan for ONVIF Encoders. Assign chosen device.

Fill in User Name and Password configured in the intercom menu Services / ONVIF

Add 2N IP intercom to the Logical Tree - Drag and drop from Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Streaming Gateway / Camera 1 ( to Logical Tree / Cameras.

Go to the Operator Client, item Logical Tree / Cameras / Camera 1 ( Double click opens the camera in a new window. Press the speaker button to turn audio from 2N IP Intercom on.

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Cameras and Recording, enable Audio in a column Audio.

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Devices, item Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM / Pool / Streaming Gateway / 2N-IPVerso[20], Card ONVIF Encoder Events. Events can be managed via Automation as it is demonstrated above. VirtualInput from Automation: Input Opened.

VirtualInput from Automation: Input Closed.

After setting which events correspond to input opening and closing, you can set which ONVIF Virtual Input ports will activate the inputs shown in the left hand side of the screen. Select one of the 10 provided inputs and set it as shown below. The ONVIF Source Value parameter defines which virtual port will activate this input.

It is also possible to monitor the state of 2N IP intercom output or relays. These are configured in a simillar way as the device inputs, but instead of Input Opened and Input Closed the Relay Opened and Relay Closed events are used.

If OnvifVirtualOutputChanged is set in automation, the Relay is not set anymore. It is only set if there is, for example, ActivateSwicht in the automation after entering the code.




After setting desired Inputs and Relays add them to the Logical Tree as a Camera was added there before.


Now you should be able to see their state in the Operator Client.

The difference between setting automation on the 2N device and or setting Relay in the Bosch configuration client is as follows.
Settings in the automation of the 2N device - in the Bosch Operator Client, it shows the switch being switched on, for example, after entering a passcode on the keypad when ActivateSwicht is set in automation.
If the Relay is set in the Bosch configuration client it is controlled by a state change in the Bosch Operator Client.


Version 10

Tested Functions

Bosch Video Management System2N IP Intercom VersionScan deviceVideo from 2N IP IntercomAudio from 2N IP IntercomAudio to 2N IP IntercomSwitch controlEvents from 2N IP Intercom


2N IP Intercom Settings

The setting of 2N IP Intercom is very easy. In the first step you have to double check the license uploaded in intercom. Therefore go to section "System – Licence – Licence Status". Next you have to switch to section "Services  – Streaming – ONVIF" and enable there “WS-Discovery” mode as shown in the picture below.

In the second step you have to enable RTSP stream on 2N IP Intercom. Go to section "Services – Streaming – RTSP" and enable RTSP server. As a last step you have to choose video codec H.264 and enable UDP unicast stream. All these settings are also shown in the picture below.

It is now possible to distinguish individual ONVIF Virtual Input Ports, which are identified by the port parameter of the SetOnvifVirtualInput Action block. In the following example Virtual Input Port number 2 is controlled by pressing a quick dial button. It can be of course controlled by different Automation events such as Motion Detected or Input Changed.

Tested Features

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Devices, item Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Add Streaming Gateway.

Right mouse click at Streaming Gateway, in the context menu choose Scan for ONVIF Encoders. Assign chosen device.

Fill in User Name and Password configured in the intercom menu Services / ONVIF

Add 2N IP intercom to the Logical Tree - Drag and drop from Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Streaming Gateway / Camera 1 ( to Logical Tree / Cameras.

Go to the Operator Client, item Logical Tree / Cameras / Camera 1 ( Double click opens the camera in a new window. Press the speaker button to turn audio from 2N IP Intercom on.

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Cameras and Recording, enable Audio in a column Audio.

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Devices, item Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM / Pool / Streaming Gateway / 2N-IPVerso[20], Card ONVIF Encoder Events. Events can be managed via Automation as it is demonstrated above. VirtualInput from Automation: Input Opened.

VirtualInput from Automation: Input Closed.

After setting which events correspond to input opening and closing, you can set which ONVIF Virtual Input ports will activate the inputs shown in the left hand side of the screen. Select one of the 10 provided inputs and set it as shown below. The ONVIF Source Value parameter defines which virtual port will activate this input.

It is also possible to monitor the state of 2N IP intercom output or relays. These are configured in a simillar way as the device inputs, but instead of Input Opened and Input Closed the Relay Opened and Relay Closed events are used.




After setting desired Inputs and Relays add them to the Logical Tree as a Camera was added there before.


Now you should be able to see their state in the Operator Client.


Version 7

Tested Functions

Bosch Video Management System2N IP Intercom VersionScan deviceVideo from 2N IP IntercomAudio from 2N IP IntercomAudio to 2N IP IntercomSwitch controlEvents from 2N IP Intercom



2N IP Intercom Settings

The setting of 2N IP Intercom is very easy. In the first step you have to double check the license uploaded in intercom. Therefore go to section "System – Licence – Licence Status". Next you have to switch to section "Services  – Streaming – ONVIF" and set there “Discoverable” mode as shown in the picture below.

In the second step you have to enable RTSP stream on 2N IP Intercom. Go to section "Services – Streaming – RTSP" and enable RTSP server as well as video stream. As a last step you have to choose video codec H.264 and enable UDP unicast stream. All these settings are also shown in the picture below.

It is now possible to distinguish individual ONVIF Virtual Input Ports, which are identified by the port parameter of the SetOnvifVirtualInput Action block. In the following example Virtual Input Port number 2 is controlled by pressing a quick dial button. It can be of course controlled by different Automation events such as Motion Detected or Input Changed.

Tested Features

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Devices, item Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Streaming Gateway.

Right mouse click at Streaming Gateway, in the context menu choose Add Encoder/camera / ONVIF Encoder.

Add 2N IP intercom to the Logical Tree - Drag and drop from Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Streaming Gateway / Camera 1 ( to Logical Tree / Cameras.
Go to the Operator Client, item Logical Tree / Cameras / Camera 1 ( Double click opens the camera in a new window. Press the speaker button to turn audio from 2N IP Intercom on.

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Cameras and Recording, enable Audio in a column Audio.

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Devices, item Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM / Pool / Streaming Gateway / Helios IP (18), Card ONVIF Encoder Events. Events can be managed via Automation as it is demonstrated above. VirtualInput from Automation: Input Opened.

VirtualInput from Automation: Input Closed.

After setting which events correspond to input opening and closing, you can set which ONVIF Virtual Input ports will activate the inputs shown in the left hand side of the screen. Select one of the 10 provided inputs and set it as shown below. The ONVIF Source Value parameter defines which virtual port will activate this input.

It is also possible to monitor the state of 2N IP intercom output or relays. These are configured in a simillar way as the device inputs, but instead of Input Opened and Input Closed the Relay Opened and Relay Closed events are used.




After setting desired Inputs and Relays add them to the Logical Tree as a Camera was added there before.


Now you should be able to see their state in the Operator Client.


Version 6

Tested Functions

Bosch Video Management System2N IP Intercom VersionScan deviceVideo from 2N IP IntercomAudio from 2N IP IntercomAudio to 2N IP IntercomSwitch controlEvents from 2N IP Intercom


2N IP Intercom Settings

The setting of 2N IP intercom is very easy. In the first step you have to double check the license uploaded in intercom. Therefore go to section "System – Licence – Licence Status". Next you have to switch to section "Services  – Streaming – ONVIF" and set there “Discoverable” mode as shown in the picture below.

In the second step you have to enable RTSP stream on 2N IP Intercom. Go to section "Services – Streaming – RTSP" and enable RTSP server as well as video stream. As a last step you have to choose video codec H.264 and enable UDP unicast stream. All these settings are also shown in the picture below.

Configuration for ONVIF Virtual Input: Bosch VMS is not able to distinguish the parameter "port", so only one port can be configured.

Tested Features

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Devices, item Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Streaming Gateway.

Right mouse click at Streaming Gateway, in the context menu choose Add Encoder/camera / ONVIF Encoder.

Add 2N IP Intercom to the Logical Tree - Drag and drop from Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Streaming Gateway / Camera 1 ( to Logical Tree / Cameras.
Go to the Operator Client, item Logical Tree / Cameras / Camera 1 ( Double click opens the camera in a new window. Press the speaker button to turn audio from 2N IP Intercom on.

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Cameras and Recording, enable Audio in a column Audio.

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Devices, item Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Streaming Gateway / Helios IP (18), Card ONVIF Encoder Events. Events can be managed via Automation or directly by defined events at 2N IP Intercom. VirtualInput from Automation: Input Opened.

VirtualInput from Automation: Input Closed.

Events from 2N IP Intercom: Input Opened.
Events from 2N IP Intercom: Input Closed.
Values for the parameter ONVIF Data Value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, # for numeric keypad buttons; %1, %2, .., %999 for quick dial buttons. The event KeyReleased is generated immediatelly after the event KeyPressed at 2N® IP Vario. For Input states:

Version 5

Tested Functions

Bosch Video Management System2N IP Intercom VersionScan deviceVideo from 2N IP IntercomAudio from 2N IP IntercomAudio to 2N IP IntercomSwitch controlEvents from 2N IP Intercom


2N IP Intercom Settings

The setting of 2N IP Intercom intercom is very easy. In the first step you have to double check the license uploaded in intercom. Therefore go to section "System – Licence – Licence Status". Next you have to switch to section "Services  – Streaming – ONVIF" and set there “Discoverable” mode as shown in the picture below.

In the second step you have to enable RTSP stream on 2N IP Intercom. Go to section "Services – Streaming – RTSP" and enable RTSP server as well as video stream. As a last step you have to choose video codec H.264 and enable UDP unicast stream. All these settings are also shown in the picture below.

Configuration for ONVIF Virtual Input


  • Bosch VMS is not able to distinguish the parameter "port", so only one port can be configured.

Tested Features

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Devices, item Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Streaming Gateway.

Right mouse click at Streaming Gateway, in the context menu choose Add Encoder/camera / ONVIF Encoder.

Add 2N IP Intercom to the Logical Tree - Drag and drop from Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Streaming Gateway / Camera 1 ( to Logical Tree / Cameras.
Go to the Operator Client, item Logical Tree / Cameras / Camera 1 ( Double click opens the camera in a new window. Press the speaker button to turn audio from 2N IP Intercom on.

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Cameras and Recording, enable Audio in a column Audio.

Go to the Configuration Client, Menu Devices, item Device Tree / VRM Devices / VRM ( / Pool / Streaming Gateway / Helios IP (18), Card ONVIF Encoder Events. Events can be managed via Automation or directly by defined events at 2N IP intercom. VirtualInput from Automation: Input Opened.

Input Closed

Values for the parameter ONVIF Data Value: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, *, # for numeric keypad buttons, %1, %2, .., %999 for quick dial buttons.


  •   The event KeyReleased is generated immediatelly after the event KeyPressed at 2N® IP Vario.

Version 4

Tested Functions

Bosch Video Management System2N IP Intercom VersionScan deviceVideo from 2N IP IntercomAudio from 2N IP IntercomAudio to 2N IP IntercomSwitch controlEvents from 2N IP Intercom



2N IP Intercom Settings

The setting of 2N IP Intercom is very easy. In the first step you have to double check the license uploaded in intercom. Therefore go to section "System – Licence – Licence Status". Next you have to switch to section "Services  – Streaming – ONVIF" and set there “Discoverable” mode as shown in the picture below.

In the second step you have to enable RTSP stream on 2N IP Intercom. Go to section "Services – Streaming – RTSP" and enable RTSP server as well as video stream (do not allow audio stream!). As a last step you have to choose video codec H.264 and enable UDP unicast stream. All these settings are also shown in the picture below.


Tested Features

Once you open Bosch software (Configuration Client tool; BVMS version 4.5) go to "Devices" menu on the top bar and select "VRM devices" on the left side of the screen (in our example there was created path "VRM devices – IP_address_of_VRM – Pool – Streaming Gateway") as shown in the picture below. You will see all found IP cameras there and you will have a possibility to modify selected one (IP address of 2N IP Intercom is in our example). Make a double click on this device and fill in username and password (admin : 2n). Click on the “Connect” button after that.

Once you press "Connect" button, you will connect to 2N IP Intercom and you will be able to set all necessary parameters for ONVIF protocol. The most important one is “Profile 2” – it is profile for H.264 codec which is used for streaming! Specify also the name of VSG camera. Do not forget to save the settings!

As a next step you have to add 2N IP Intercom camera to the right window where all used cameras are placed.
Finally go to “Maps and structure” menu on the top bar and you see there created (added) 2N IP Intercom camera. If you have any maps uploaded in the Bosch system, you can place this camera into the structure.
If everything was set according the steps above, new camera should be available in the Operator client tool structure. Select this camera and see live video stream from 2N IP Intercom.

Used Symbols

(tikot) - Compatible

(varování) - Work with limitation

(chyba) - Incompatible