4.4.8 Audio Test

2N® LiftIP 2.0 allows you to perform a periodical check of the integrated speaker and microphone. For the test purpose, the integrated speaker generates one or more short beeps. The integrated microphone receives the generated tone and the test is successful if the tone is detected correctly. The test takes approximately 4 seconds. If the test fails (which may be due to an extreme surrounding noise level, e.g.), a new test is carried out in 10 minutes. Display the test result via the device confirmation interface.


  • If a call is active during the audio test start, the audio test is postponed until the call is completed. The audio test will be performed the moment the call is completed.

  • Audio Test Enabled – enable automatic execution of the audio test.

  • Test Period – set the test period. The test can be started automatically once a day or once a week.
  • Test Start Time – set the test starting time. Use the HH:MM format. We recommend that test should start when a minimum device load is expected.
  • Save and run test– push the button to start and save the test immediately regardless of the current settings.

  • Test Status – display the current test status.
  • Last Test Time – display the time of the last-performed test.
  • Last Test Result – display the result of the last-performed test.