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titleUpdate information

If you are running 2N® Access Commander version 1.9.1 or older, proceed please to this section for further details.

2N® Access Commander version 3.1 (production April 2024)

2N® Access Commander version 3.1 introduces a more secure method of login (2FA), Dutch Language and other improvement

**IMPORTANT** Due to security reasons this version of Access Commander is not compatible with 2N Intercoms and 2N Access Units running FW 2.37 or older. Access Commander will not manage devices with these FW even with enabled compatibility mode. Please ensure that all devices are running FW 2.38 or newer before upgrading.

New Features:

  • Two Factor Authentication

Two factor authentication is now available for login. When enabled each user requires both password and secondary authentication via an authenticator app such as Google Authenticator in addition to their unique user name. This extra level of security can be optional for all users, mandatory for users with a role (Managers), or mandatory all users and is set by Admin. 2FA works even for installations that are offline (have no internet connection).

  • Dutch Language

Dutch is now included as a language variant in Access Commander's web environment. The online and offline manual also supports machine translated Dutch.

  • Other Improvements

* Access Commander now supports API Keys - access without user authentication opening up further possibilies for integration.
* When setting up Access Commander from the browser for the first time the linux root password is now synchronised with the system admin password if the root password hasn't yet been changed from default.
* Access Unit QR is supported in this version.


* Device sensor (door sensor) status is now correctly displayed in the device monitoring page.
* User name for access granted/denied now displayed in the Access Log widget.
* Device configuration can now be accessed from the device list as it was in Access Commander version 2.

Additional notes

**IMPORTANT** - In May 2023 we announced that the old APIv2 will be retired in place of a more advanced APIv3 and gave a transition period of one year where the two versions run side by side. From this release APIv2 will be no longer supported, and will be removed completely from Access Commander 3.2 (Q3 2024). 
If you are using Access Commander with a third-party integration, please ensure that this integration is compatible with APIv3 soon to avoid loss of functionality in future versions.
For more information on Access Commander's API see the documentation in the user manual
- The old user interface is no longer available in this version
- Known issue - In 3.1 it is not possible to manually approve a device firmware on a Basic (free) license. Please ensure all devices meet the firmware requirements listed below. Fix comming in Access Commander 3.2 (August)
- Integration with the Milestone Xprotect plugin is not compatible with 2FA. Do not enable 2FA for the Milestone user login.

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

2N IP intercoms 2.43.x
2N Access Unit 2.43.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronised with Access Commander)

2N IP intercoms 2.39.x
2N Access Unit 2.39.x
2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)
2N Indoor Touch 1.0 is not supported in Access Commander

API changes 

* [APIv2 Change log] No changes were made
* [APIv3 Change log] https://www.2n.com/documents/22902/2323545/Diffv3_v3.0-v3.1+2.md/c8a5ad20-6179-4902-b8a5-81a8f26d50d1


2N® Access Commander version 3.0 (production February 2024)

2N® Access Commander version 3.0 introduces a brand new look and feel. While the look has changed, it's the same trusted Access Commander, now more user-friendly, simplified and intuitive.

Changelog 3.0

New interface

New improvements

Mobile friendly visitor enrolment

Russian language support has been removed from Access Commander 3.0

Access Commander 3.0 includes the ability to toggle back to the old interface. It's worth noting that starting from version 3.1, only the new interface will be available, and the old interface will no longer be supported.

Upgrade to PostgreSQL 15

Supported device firmware version:

* 2N IP intercoms from 2.38.x to 2.42.x
* 2N Access Unit from 2.38.x to 2.42.x
* 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)


In May 2023 we announced that the old APIv2 will be retired in place of a more advanced APIv3 and gave a transition period of one year where the two versions run side by side. From Access Commander 3.1 (Q2 2024) APIv2 will be no longer supported, and will be removed completely from Access Commander 3.2 (Q3 2024). 
If you are using Access Commander with a third-party integration, please ensure that this integration is compatible with APIv3 soon to avoid loss of functionality in future versions.
For more information on Access Commander's API see the documentation in the online manual
* Russian language support has been removed from Access Commander 3.0

API changes

* [APIv2 Change log](https://www.2n.com/documents/22902/74426/APIv2+change+log+-+2N%C2%AE+Access+Commander+3.0.md/94202e31-ba91-4b16-9679-a4474581b2a9)
* [APIv3 Change log](https://www.2n.com/documents/22902/74426/APIv3+change+log+-+2N%C2%AE+Access+Commander+3.0.md/d3581281-c2e2-4115-a86a-c64d85d4210f)


2N® Access Commander version 2.7.1 (production November 2023)

2N® Access Commander version 2.7.1 supports new version of firmware, that will be released.

Changelog 2.7.1

Supported device firmware version:

  • 2N IP Intercoms from 2.36.x to 2.42.x
  • 2N Access Unit from 2.36.x to 2.42.x


2N® Access Commander version 2.7 (beta August 2023, production August 2023)

2N® Access Commander version 2.7 introduces export of user list and possibility to assign credentials to users in bulk.

Changelog 2.7.0

New Features:

  • User list export - Access Commander now allows exporting User list in a form of CSV file with various attributes (e.g. zones and doors that users can enter or groups to which they belong). It is also possible to export a sync file containing users data, edit it and then synchronize again so that the changes in CSV are propagated back to Access Commander. User list exports are especialy useful when the user data stored in Access Commander is supposed to be used by another system or when external auditor without access to Access Commander needs to check the data and possibly make necessary changes.
  • Assigning credentials to users in bulk - It is now possible to assign PIN codes, QR codes and Bluetooth pairing PIN codes to multiple users at once. This significantly reduces the time of new users onboarding. Email template for Bluetooth credentials can newly be edited in the same way as the other email templates so that admins may adapt its content to their company needs and make their users better perceive it. To increase security when a large number of pairing PIN codes is active, the number of PIN code digits has been increased from 6 to 8.


  • Device monitoring upgrade issue fixed.
  • Indoor Touch 2.0 proxy issue fixed.
  • Resolved issue with imports from older Access Commander versions.
  • Devices connectivity issues resolved.

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.41.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.41.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronized with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.36.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.36.x
  • 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)


2N® Access Commander version 2.6.1 (June 2023)

Please note that this version is a minor release, further to the release of version 2.6 in May 2023. It introduces no new feature and only brings a specific bugfix. 

Changelog 2.6.1


  • Fixed issue with backup creation/restore.

2N® Access Commander version 2.6 (beta May 2023, production May 2023)

2N® Access Commander version 2.6 introduces new API v3.

Changelog 2.6

New features:

  • API v3
  • API received a major overhaul in version 3 (APIv3) for easier integration. Users, devices (and other entities) can now be created with all properties in a single POST request, where APIv2 needed separate requests to add every RFID card, phone number, etc. APIv3 also supports PATCH, so to change a single user property, it is enough just to send that one field via PATCH, instead of having to send the whole object in a PUT request. We will continue to support the current APIv2 until 31.5. 2024.


  • Fixed issue with a device display configuration.
  • Minor translation corrections.
  • Resolved issue with BT pairing for users synchronized over FTP.
  • Resolved issue with filtering in access logs.
  • Corrected picture import.
  • Corrected attendance intervals connection.
  • LDAP synchronization and long distinguishedName resolved.
  • Update over proxy issue resolved.

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.40.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.40.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronized with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.35.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.35.x
  • 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)

2N® Access Commander version 2.5.1 (February 2023)

Please note that this version is a minor release, further to the release of version 2.5 in December 2022. It focuses on corrections and compatibility with the 2.38 FW version of the 2N OS, it introduces no new feature. 

Changelog 2.5.1


  • Resolved issue with LDAP settings.
  • Resolved issue with global time profiles. 


  • New version of the USB driver with a new certificate valid until end of January 2024 has been added to this release.

2N® Access Commander version 2.5 (Beta November 2022, production December 2022)

2N® Access Commander version 2.5 introduces NTP server functionality whilst work continues on a new API and interface.

Changelog 2.5

New Features:

  • NTP Server - 2N® Access Commander now offers NTP server functionality. This is especially useful in installations having no access to the internet - Access Commander may distribute its clock (either as a proxy to external NTP server or its own clock) to all 2N intercoms and access units on site. There is then no need to manage time on each device manually.


  • Resolution of minor issues and imperfections in this version.

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.37.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.37.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronized with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.33.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.33.x
  • 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)

2N® Access Commander version 2.4.1 (October 2022)

Changelog 2.4.1


  • Resolved issue with configuring of devices' display when more than one device connected to Access Commander.
  • Resolved problem with creating/updating an RFID card over LDAP.
  • Resolved issue with company colors and email templates.
  • Resolved issue with disabling user's door controller role.
  • It is possible to sort the devices by FW version now.

2N® Access Commander version 2.4 (September 2022)

2N® Access Commander version 2.4 makes Attendance Monitoring available even for smaller installations, and introduces some minor features whilst work continues on a new API and interface.

Changelog 2.4.0

New Features:

  • Attendance Monitoring for Access Commander Basic
  • Installations of 2N® Access Commander running the free ‘Basic’ license will now be able to add on the optional ‘Attendance Monitoring’ license, making attendance monitoring available to smaller sites with 5 or less devices and 50 or less users. (The ‘Basic & Attendance monitoring’ license must only be applied to Access Commander version 2.4 or superior)

  • Ready for PICard secure credentials
  • 2N’s access control solution will soon support credentials secured by a new standalone application. 2N PICard Commander will offer credential security built on MIFARE DESFire technology. 2N® Access Commander is ready to import the unique keys created in this standalone application, once it is released.

  • Feedback form
  • Feedback and ideas for improvements can now be provided directly within the application, allowing future development to more closely reflect the needs of daily users. Feedback can be provided by any Access Commander user with some management authorization (eg: user manager or access)


  • Corrected loading of phone time profiles
  • LDAP synchronization behavior
  • Change of default password behavior

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.36.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.36.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronized with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.34.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.34.x
  • 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)

Changelog 2.3.1

Please note that this version is a minor release, further to the release of version 2.3 in April. It focusses on corrections and introduces no new features.


  • System admin reverted to state where it does not consume any manager licenses
  • Attendance management authorizations will be removed from users where an installation without the attendance management license is updated to a new version.
  • Presence of a user is updated in presence list without need for page refresh
  • Corrected timestamps of attendance records when exported to CSV

Changelog 2.3 

2N® Access Commander version 2.3 introduces a new access matrix for quick setup and audit of access permissions, allows backup and restore to be managed from the web GUI and introduces new user authorization settings for increased flexibility.

New Features: 

  • Access Matrix
  • Setting up and auditing of access permissions has been made much simpler and quicker thanks to the visual representation offered in the new access matrix.
    • Offers a single place where new zones and groups may be created, and where they may be combined with time profiles to create access rules
    • Allows quick auditing of existing rules in a single table
    • Users and devices can be filtered, allowing auditing of individual users access to individual doors

  • Backup and restore in web GUI
  • Installers previously needed to connect a monitor and keyboard to 2N® Access Commander box or to the server running 2N® Access Commander in order to configure periodic backup or perform a restore. This is no longer necessary as these settings are now available directly in the web GUI.
    • SMB backup location may be set within web GUI, as well as backup period settings
    • Local storage may be set as the backup destination, allowing backups to be stored within the 2N® Access Commander filesystem. These backups can be downloaded to the client machine directly via the web GUI
    • Transfer of database form another instance of 2N® Access Commander may now be done within the web GUI
    • New ‘backup now’ function for ad-hoc backups

  • New user authorizations and access to dashboard widgets
  • User authorizations have been overhauled to accommodate recent new features and innovations such as dashboard widgets, door control and visitor management.
    • New ‘Visitor management’ and ‘Door control’ authorizations have been added
    • Admins may assign companies whose visitors can be managed by a Visitor manager
    • Admins may assign doors which can be controlled by a user with this authorization
    • Existing roles of Attendance, User and Access management now have access to a selected range of dashboard widgets which are relevant to their role/authorization level


  • Support of upcoming IP Verso 2.0
  • PIN codes up to 15 characters in length may be defined
  • Previous state information relating to offline devices is no longer shown in the Device Monitoring table
  • Password validation added when deleting a device
  • Clarification of Multifactor Authentication texts
  • Focus is automatically placed on first input in modal input box


  • Attendance mode can now be disabled if user does not have access credential
  • After change of device, any existing exceptions are now added to the new device
  • Credentials removed from access log for non-admins/user managers
  • Corrected log export for managers
  • User manager can set one time password for users
  • User import fixed where first card or switch code is empty

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.35.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.35.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronised with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.33.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.33.x
  • 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)

Changelog 2.2

2N® Access Commander version 2.2 (Beta November 2021 - Production December 2021)

2N® Access Commander version 2.2 introduces support of QR codes as a user credential, enables core functions to be set in the GUI and extends the range of ways a door may be controlled.

The maximum PIN code length will change to 9 digits in this version. PIN codes of 10 digits or more will automatically be represented as a QR code after updating, although they may still be entered as PIN codes on a keypad. To avoid this behavior, ensure PIN codes are shorter than 10 digits

Support of QR code reading in IP Style requires firmware version 2.34, which may be released several weeks after Access Commander version 2.2

2N® Access Commander version 2.2 introduces support of QR codes as a user credential, enables core functions to be set in the GUI and extends the range of ways a door may be controlled.

New Features: 

  • QR code support:
  • QR codes may be attributed to users and visitors as access credentials, enabling simple and convenient access via supported devices.
    • Standard users or visitors may be allocated a QR code in place of a PIN code as an access credential
    • QR codes are automatically generated, based on a random 10 digit code
    • QR codes may be emailed directly to the user or visitor
    • The underlying 10 digit PIN may still be entered by keypad where QR code reading isn't possible
    • Requires IP Style to read the QR code

  • Core setting availability in web GUI
  • Installers previously needed to connect a monitor and keyboard to 2N® Access Commander box or to the server running 2N® Access Commander in order to enable remote access by SSH and manage several core settings. This is no longer necessary as these settings are now available directly in the web GUI.
    • SSH connection may be enabled or disabled directly in the web GUI
    • System time & date settings may be directly managed in the web GUI
    • Access Commander application network settings may be directly managed in the web GUI

  • More door control options
  • The ways in which the operator may control a door are extended in this release, allowing greater flexibility and easier control in larger installations.
    • Door may be held open or door opening triggered from device detail page
    • Doesn't require door to have corresponding widget
    • Device monitoring page show's door held status

  •  Time profile for multi-factor authentication
  • The admin may now govern the need for multi-factor authentication amongst a zone’s devices by a time profile. This enables more flexibility in security policy be enforcing heightened security only during critical times.
    • Multi-factor authentication options for a zone includes a time profile attribute
    • Outside the time profile, single-factor authentication is possible
    • Multi-factor authentication may still be applied continuously in a zone, without the condition of a time profile

  • Template email management
  • Emails containing user or visitor PIN codes or QR codes may be customised for each company, allowing for content to be tailored to the needs of a company and its brand.
    • Templates contain customisable header, introduction and additional message
    • Can be used to include information such as directions to a company
    • Includes customisable background and foreground color options
    • Templates may differ for each company

  • Enforcement of valid device certificates
  • To offer even greater security options, the admin may choose to enforce the use of valid certificates in devices to allow connection to Access Commander.
    • Toggle option added to enforce device certificate validation
    • Where enabled, Access Commander will only allow connection to devices with valid certificates



  • SMTP server certificate validation options added
  • Database optimisations to improve system performance



  • Attendance monitoring may now be activated for users who hold only Bluetooth credentials
  • Holidays are now synchronized to lift devices
  • CSV synchronisation now works during trial
  • Corrected issue with door widget lockdown state in certain conditions
  • Corrected function of deputy imported from a device
  • System texts clarified or modified

Required device firmware versions for full feature support:

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.34.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.34.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronised with Access Commander):

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.32.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.32.x
  • 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)

Changelog 2.1

2N® Access Commander version 2.1 (Beta August 2021 - Production September 2021)

2N® Access Commander 2.1 introduces powerful new features aimed at user management and controlling the flow of people.

New Features:

  • Occupancy Management
  • In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, managing the density of staff or visitors in different areas has become increasingly important to ensure their safety. The Occupancy Management feature in Access Commander empowers building admins with the ability to control occupancy in a flexible way.
    • Creation of new ‘Area restrictions’ section to accommodate Anti Pass-bask and Occupancy management.
    • Occupancy thresholds may be set for each area
    • Enforcement may be set to either deny access after threshold is reached, or just to log the event
    • New ‘Occupancy’ dashboard widget available
    • New ‘Occupancy limit reached’ notification added
  • Visitor management
  • Manage visitors more easily than ever before with this dedicated new section focused on visitor management. Issue credentials before they arrive for ‘self-serve’ access and easily track users who failed to return their access cards.
    • New section for enrolling visitors
    • PIN codes and License Plate numbers may now be attributed as credentials to allow access
    • PIN codes may be sent by customizable email directly to the visitor, prior to their visit
    • Unreturned cards are easily visible
    • New ‘Visitors’ dashboard widget available
  • Access point support
  • The introduction of ‘Access Points’ allows for more flexible access management. It enables more accurate monitoring of the flow of users between zones, and differing multi-factor authentication requirements between zones, where a single device is used to control movement through a door in both directions.
    • Admin may chose between using ‘devices’ or ‘Access Points’ (for installations where a single device controls movement through a door in both directions)
    • Access points may be assigned to zones, in place of devices
    • Access point labels introduced in device detail pages, zone ‘devices’ tab and access logs
    • A single access point may be blocked (for Occupancy Management), rather than the whole device
    • Please note that there are corresponding changes in the labelling of entry points, which are now called ‘Access Point 1’ and ‘Access Point 2’, rather than ‘Entry’ and ‘Exit’
  • Support of groups in LDAP sync
  • Where an LDAP compliant directory is used for user synchronization, the user’s groups may also be synchronized, making the management of users via such a directory even more streamlined and effective.
    • Users may be syncronised and automatically placed into the corresponding groups in Access Commander (provided they have been set up)
    • Group specific base DN option introduced
    • Nested groups supported


  • Notes may now be saved for each user or visitor
  • Support added for IP Style
  • License plate number supported in CSV synchronization
  • Message added for LDAP users to show why they can’t change UN/PW in Access Commander
  • Paging, search and filtering optimisations to improve system performance


  • Standard user can no longer see navigation menu collapse icon
  • Wrong user icon in attendance log
  • Anti pass-back failure alert corrected
  • Access log sorting by groups/zones respected beyond 1st page
  • SignalR Connection drop in Chrome after 5 minutes fixed

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.33.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.33.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronised with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.31.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.31.x
  • 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)

Changelog 2.0

2N® Access Commander 2.0 is a major new release which brings great changes to the user interface, as well as powerful new features and improvements. Along with these changes, the license model of Access Commander has also been changed. All users with existing licenses will be migrated to the appropriate new license automatically and free of charge, ensuring you continue to benefit from the same functionality.


 New Features:

  • License Plate Recognition
    • License plate numbers are now a natively supported credential type in 2N® Access Commander
    • Works alongside Axis cameras featuring Artpec 6 or higher processors and the "Vaxtor VaxALPR on Camera v.2.2" ACAP (support of Axis License Plate Verifier coming soon too)
    • Means that access at a parking barrier can be granted simply by recognition of an authorised license plate
    • License plate snapshots are saved in logs
  • New customisable dashboard and widgets
    • The dashboard has been entirely reimagined to offer immediate access to key functions via cutomisable widgets
    • Widgets loaded to the dashboard are customisable for each authorised user
    • They offer a range of functions, including: system resources, access control overview, license status, focused access logs, focused event logs, focused device states, door widget and lockdown widget
    • Concentrate only on the information you need surrounding the doors/states/events most critical to your role
  • Door control and video stream view
    • The new 'door widget' allows you to focus on strategic doors (eg: main entry)
    • Via the door's widget, you may trigger door opening
    • Doors may also be 'held' for a chosen period of time to aid with maintenance, visits or evacuation
    • Where a camera is connected to the IP Intercom, you may also access its internal or external video stream
  • Emergency lockdown
    • Site-wide instant lockdown can be implemented via the new icon in the app bar
    • Lockdown 'Areas' allow devices to be grouped into logical areas for more granular lockdown control of parts of a building only
  • Collapsible sidebar
    • Sidebar menu may be fully revealed or collapsed
    • Use the screen space more efficiently
  • New licensing model
    • Old license types of 5 devices, 25 user for Attendance Monitoring and Synchronisation by LDAP or CSV are replaced by a new model in 2N® Access Commander 2.0
    • Old license types will be discontinued from May 31st 2021 and are not compatible with 2N® Access Commander 2.0 or above
    • New licenses include free Basic license for up to 5 devices and 50 users, Advanced license for up to 30 devices and 300 users, Pro license for up to 100 devices and 1000 users, Unlimited license for unlimited doors and users


  • Attendance records may now be bulk exported to PDF for hard copy printing
  • Basic support of 2N® IP Style
  • 2N® Access Commander box now set to automatically restart after unexpected power interruption
  • Paging, search and filtering optimisations to improve system performance


  • 2N® Access Commander box factory reset showing invalid progress
  • Presence list not alphabetically sorted if special characters used
  • LDAP base DN is case sensitive
  • No progress showing whilst distributing new firmware

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.32.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.32.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronised with 2N® Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.30.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.30.x
  • 2N® Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)

Changelog 1.17.0

## If Access Commander is updated before IP Intercom and Access Unit firmware 2.31.x is available then some newer functions may not be fully supported. Please note the minimum supported firmware in this version is 2.29.x. Please also note that the default 2N SMTP server will no longer be available in version 1.17.0. We suggest you ensure your own SMTP server settings are defined upon update, if you have not already done so, to ensure system and notification messages continue being sent##

New Features:

  • Customisable LDAP mappings
    • Admins now have the power to create customised mappings from fields in their LDAP directory to available fields in Access Commander
    • This means that directory sync by LDAP may now include employee ID, avatar, additional phone numbers, RFID card numbers and PIN code, as well as the attributes which were already supported (name, e-mail address, phone number, password and login)
    • The customisable schema also means that synchronisation will be possible with other directories using LDAP, not just Active Directory
  • Bulk firmware update support for Indoor Touch 2.0
    • Admin may now manage Indoor Touch 2.0 firmware centrally in Access Commander
    • Allows considerable time-saving whilst ensuring hardware enjoys optimal performance and security
  • User disabling
    • Admin may set a user account to enabled or disabled status
    • Whilst disabled, a user may not access doors, receive notifications, be called from an intercom or log in to their Access Commander account.
    • Temporarily suspended users may quickly be disabled to suspend access whilst retaining all their data and access configuration. Access can be quickly restored by re-enabling the user
    • Users disabled in Active Directory may also be disabled in Access Commander upon synchronisation
  • Key functions in page headers
    • Key functions are now available directly within settings pages. 
    • Users, devices, groups and zones can be created or deleted directly from an existing user, device, group or zone detail page
    • Additional quick actions are added throughout settings pages
  • Disposable user passwords
    • Where no SMTP server is available, admins may create users and set a one-time, disposable password
    • Disposable password can be manually sent to user by means other than email (phone call, sms, etc)
    • Upon first login to Access Commander, user is required to set a new permanent password


  • Access Commander will perform controlled shutdown in event of a full disk
  • Import from device now includes: user access restrictions, Bluetooth credentials, fingerprint, employee ID, virtual number, deputy and IP Eye address
  • Clearer option to assign companies to zones
  • Shorter (4 digit) Bluetooth pairing pin for pairing via USB dongle
  • Lockdown events added to access log
  • Improved SMTP server support


  • Correction in display of user presence
  • Device FW may be updated from Access Commander after initial failed update
  • Virtual number no longer written as virtual card ID
  • Attendance mode corrections
  • Error and tooltip text corrections

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms: 2.31.x
  • 2N Access Unit: 2.31.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronised with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms: 2.29.x
  • 2N Access Unit: 2.29.x
  • 2N Indoor Touch 2.0: 4.3.x (devices running versions prior to this will be disabled in Access Commander)

Changelog 1.16.0

## Please note that the default 2N SMTP server will no longer be available in version 1.17.0. We suggest you ensure your own SMTP server settings are defined now, if you have not already done so, to ensure system and notification messages continue being sent upon update to 1.17.0 later this year ##

New Features:

  • Notification rework¨
    • The notification section has undergone a major rework to offer the admin access to key information at a glance
    • Notifications are easier to set up as several event types may be included in a notification subscription
    • A range of new notification events have been added, including the availability of a new version of 2N® Access Commander, of firmware for connected devices, and notification of blocked keypad modules
    • In many cases, notifications will link to the relevant section in 2N® Access Commander to allow the admin to quickly take any necessary actions
  • Real-time feedback
    • By introducing support of WebSocket and SignalR technologies, 2N® Access Commander now offers real-time updates to key information, including status of devices, access and system logs, and notifications
  • LDAP pagination support
    • Support of pagination for LDAP means that 2N® Access Commander may now be synchronized with Microsoft Active Directories containing over 1000 users


  • Call buttons are only synchronized when a device belongs to an access rule. Before this, call button assignments were imported form the devices during import, meaning users without call button assignments were deleted from the device used for import. This will no longer happen since the directory of the device will only be synchronized once the device is included in an access rule
  • Support of 2N® Indoor View added
  • Over 20 new system log events added, covering companies, users, devices, attendance, cam logs and anti-pass back
  • Upgrade to latest stable Debian version


  • LDAP user login where domain is higher than second level
  • Delay in visibility of camlog snapshots
  • Validation to prevent two anti-pass back areas being assigned identical names
  • "Go to user" button fixed in zone error details
  • Error text corrections

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.30.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.30.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronised with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.28.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.28.x

Changelog 1.15.1

## Please note that, due to major improvements in the presentation of logs, direct update update to version 1.15.1 from version 1.14.0 may take longer than usual. These changes mean that logs over a year old may not be retained during the update. We suggest that you export your logs before updating if you wish to archive those older than one year. ##


  • Processing of LDAP and CSV synchronisation is improved


  • Fixed issue where a limited rage of 2N® Access Commander boxes were unable to update
  • Fixed issue where user RFID card ID's were deleted upon LDAP synchronisation
  • Use of capital letters in email addresses is now accepted


  • Whilst syncronising the directory of 2N® Access Commander via CSV, please note that company and group names are now case sensitive. Please ensure that the case of these entities in the CSV match those which you have used in 2N® Access Commander.

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.29.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.29.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronised with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.27.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.27.x

version 1.15.0
version 1.15.0
Changelog 1.15.0

## Please note that, due to major improvements in the presentation of logs, the update to version 1.15 may take longer than usual. Please plan your update accordingly. Please also note that the default 2N SMTP server is to be discontinued in version 1.16.0. We suggest you ensure your own SMTP server settings are defined now to ensure full feature functionality upon update to 1.16.0 later this year. ##

New Features:

  • Log management
    • Admins may set maximum retention periods for access, camera and system logs, allowing them to be compliant with their GDPR obligations
    • Disk space safeguarding to preserve core operation. Admins will be notified if disk usage reaches critical threshold
    • Logs will be automatically deleted if admin doesn't act to manage disk space. Logs may not be deleted beyond their minimum retention threshold (configurable by admin)
    • Log consolidation and optimisation
    • 'Micro-events' are consolidated into single log entries to make logs much easier to read and quickly extract relevant data
  • Access overview in Groups and Zones
    • An overview of access logs is visible in the pages of each group and zone
    • Existing access rules may be edited from this overview
    • Multiple groups may be added to a zone's access rule via the overview in the zone's page
    • Multiple zones may be added to a group's access rule via the overview in the group's page


  • Attendance monitoring may be switched on/off for multiple users in bulk
  • Support of password masking for device and user passwords
  • Keypad block feature after repeated failed PIN entry may be enabled/disabled for entire zones of devices
  • Support of call groups in display modules
  • Sequential PIN codes may be used, where silent alarm is not enabled
  • User numbers and Virtual numbers are now searchable user attributes in user menu
  • Improved error text


  • Improved Bluetooth pairing
  • User login now case sensitive
  • Improvement to groupings in IP Verso display module
  • 63B size limit imposed on user names to match limit in devices
  • Users denied access will not appear in presence list
  • Admin LDAP login credentials no longer overwritten

Required device firmware versions for full feature support

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.29.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.29.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronised with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.27.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.27.x

version 1.14.0
version 1.14.0
Changelog 1.14.0

New Features:

  • Bulk firmware update
    • Users may choose to deploy firmware updates en-masse to all connected 2N IP Intercoms, Access Units, Access Units 2.0, Indoor Talk and Indoor Compact
    • Device page will feature three tabs: Overview, Firmware (brand new upgrade section) & Compatibility (moved from current location in Settings menu)
    • In the firmware section, users may choose the latest firmware available on 2N servers or may manually upload a firmware version of their preference to be deployed to all similar device types
    • Individual devices can be chosen to test out a new firmware version before it is deployed to other similar devices
    • Individual devices may be excluded from the bulk update
  • Beta testing available for new versions
    • Users will now be able to select to join beta testing of both Access Commander software and of compatible device firmware before their official release.
  • Re-introduction of global time profiles
    • Users may add up to 20 Global time profiles to all devices for use by features such as automation or general switch control in each device.


  • Console shows IP address before login where DHCP is available or where a static IP has already been set
  • Virtual machine available disk space increased to 120GB by default
  • Over 20k users may now be included in the presence list 
  • Lowercase letters may be included in user card ID’s
  • Improved error message information
  • Added support for Samba 2.0
  • Ability to chose which devices will be used to record attendance in ‘In/Out’ mode


  • Improved application of zone settings to devices added to the zone
  • Attendance record may be added manually where multiple time zones are used
  • Attendance manager may not view other users
  • Attendance bulk export to CSV now shows individual sessions per user per day
  • User login now possible via LDAP credentials
  • Device may be added via domain name

Required firmware versions for supported devices

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.28.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.28.x

Minimum supported firmware versions (devices prior to these versions will not be synchronised with Access Commander)

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.26.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.26.x

version 1.13.0
version 1.13.0
Changelog 1.13.0

New features in version 1.13.0:

  • 2N Lift Access Control solution with the Axis A9188 I/O module featuring:

    • Support of up to 40 floors control (up to 5x Axis A9188 with 8 outputs, connected to one 2N Access Unit/IP intercom)

    • Lift control On/Off button in the Device detail (Lift module license for the 2N Access Unit/IP intercom required)

    • Floors configuration in the Device detail, access based on the Floor-Zone or Floor-Public access logic

    • Floors access view in the Zone detail

    • Lift I/O modules view in the Device detail

    • Lift I/O modules state email notifications

Improvements in version 1.13.0:

  • Anti-passback - Added reader HW details in the Entry/Exit Access points settings

  • LDAP/Microsoft Active Directory - Advanced auto import settings (hourly/daily/weekly)

  • LDAP/Microsoft Active Directory - Enhanced import/one-way synchronisation reflecting the User name, Email, Phone number, Password and Login changes or newly created/deleted users from the Microsoft Active Directory in the 2N® Access Commander

  • Web - Keep chosen "Filter" and "Rows per page" settings for the user while logged in

  • Web - Enhanced global search including the "User number" parameter

  • Added support of the USB External RFID Card Reader 125kHz (9137420E latest black version)

  • Removed support of the user synchronisation with the older directory structure in 2N devices (firmware 2.24 and lower)

Corrections in version 1.13.0:

  • Attendance view with thousands of users

  • Default SMTP server
  • Deputy removal after deleting the phone number

  • Global search with the MAC address

  • Keypad and display modules support for the Anti-passback

  • Microsoft Edge support

  • Offline device removal

  • Removed support of special PINs 00 and 11

  • Web forms, labels, fonts and translations correction

 Reqired firmware versions for supported devices:

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.27.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.27.x

version 1.12.1
version 1.12.1
Changelog 1.12.1

Improvements in version 1.12.1:

  • Virtual numbers synchronisation for all users (including those with no access rules assigned)

Corrections in version 1.12.1:

  • Device synchronisation with the firmware version 2.26

  • Access rules and logs filtering

  • CSV synchronisation settings

  • Manual time settings in the system console

  • Holiday creating exceptions

  • Handling of time profile duplicities

  • User handling across Anti-passback areas

  • LDAP users import

  • Visibility of the 2N® Access Commander Box in the 2N® Network Scanner
  • Visitor cards colision with the system upgrade
  • Expired license collision with the system start

  • System stability improvements

 Reqired firmware versions for supported devices:

  • 2N IP intercoms 2.26.x
  • 2N Access Unit 2.26.x

version 1.12.0
version 1.12.0
Changelog 1.12.0
