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Changelog 1.9.1

 Improvements in version 1.9.1:

  • 2N IP intercoms (former 2N Helios IP intercoms) support (firmware version 2.22+)
  • User's attendance with the time zone reference
  • Root password protected administration console GUI
  • Forced root password change after the 1st login
  • Recovery mode - System factory reset over the administration console GUI (only for 2N® Access Commander Box)

 Corrections in version 1.9.1

  • Attendance counting
  • Fingerprint and Bluetooth labels for CAM Logs settings and Access Logs filtering
  • Various phone number formats support
  • System stability and performance optimisation

 Required firmware versions for supported devices:

  • 2N IP intercoms
  • 2N Access Unit

Changelog 1.9.0

Features in version 1.9.0:

  • Biometry support for finger print modules of 2N® Helios IP Verso and 2N® Access Unit (featuring users synchronisation, fingers rollout using the USB reader etc.)
  • Time zones view support for devices and users spread over multiple sites in different zones
  • Dashboard clock displaying the system time
  • User groups auto-synchronisation on display modules of 2N® Helios IP Verso and 2N® Helios IP Vario
  • Multiple user authentication by a combination of up to 3 ways (RFID card, PIN, Fingerprint)
  • 1:1 replacement of damaged/broken device (including Zone assignment and complete configuration restore)
  • Local IP address discovery of the 2N® Access Commander over the 2N® Network Scanner tool
  • Network proxy settings over the console GUI

Improvements in version 1.9.0:

  • Re-worked system logs view, added severity level and icons
  • Send pairing PIN for Bluetooth to the user over email
  • Simplified view of Accesses settings and credentials for Users
  • Pagination and Search options for the Devices menu
  • Pagination and Filtering options for the Access Rules menu
  • Optimised HDD utilisation (periodical logs and database cleaning)
  • Adjusted HTTP API endpoints, for further changelog reference see

Corrections in version 1.9.0:

  • Search results view on Users
  • Device to device configuration copy - equal FW version required for all involved devices (eg. FW version 2.21 -> 2.21)
  • Numbering of new added Time profiles
  • System stability and web performance optimisation

Required firmware versions for supported devices:

  • 2N Helios IP intercoms
  • 2N® Access Unit
  • 2N® SIP Audio Converter
  • 2N® Indoor Touch

Changelog 1.8.0

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: This update might take longer than usual. It will be finished after the 'Server - client version collision' notification will pop up on the web interface. To reload the web interface, please use 'CTRL+SHIFT+R'.

Features in version 1.8.0:

  • Visitor management module with a native support of Visitor Cards
  • CSV Synchronization for data exchange with an external database (91379042 2N® Access Commander – Integration License is required)
  • Advanced display configuration for 2N Helios IP intercoms (featuring drag'n'drop, sorting and autocomplete support)
  • Mass devices adding over the Network scanner (all of at-once added devices must have the same or default password)

Improvements in version 1.8.0:

  • Custom work days for each Company in Attendance
  • Captcha verification after 5 unsuccessful login attempts

  • Automatic detection of real amount of buttons that are available on the 2N Helios IP intercom

  • Icon label of licensed device

  • Advanced filtering and GUI improvements

  • Activated UFW firewall on the virtual image for higher security

  • API changes (added new parameters and objects), for further details see the user guide

Corrections in version 1.8.0:

  • Compatibility with latest web browsers
  • CAM logs download in MS Edge
  • Display to display settings copy
  • SIP proxy state view
  • Adding of an invalid user email
  • Wrong timezone of log entries over API
  • System stability and web performance

Changelog 1.7.0

Features in version 1.7.0:

  • Cam logs - 8 snapshot pictures for selected events in access or system logs
  • Full support USB Bluetooth dongle - another way how create BT access for users
  • One common PIN for all zone - one access PIN for complete zone
  • Export access logs - export all or selected access logs to CSV
  • Export emloyees attendance - export multi select emloyees attendance to CSV 
  • Page sorting users - page sorting 15,50,100 user per page
  • Group notification - one preselected notification group for main monitoring of devices, UX updated
  • Import users from Helios IP - import users to ACom from select Helios devices

Improvements in version 1.7.0:

  • Optimizing Dasboard - faster loading than before
  • Attendance time intervals - updated inputs and outputs
  • Device password - improvement devices password behavior
  • Back-up devices - UX updated
  • Linux password - force change default password for better security
  • Possibility to display hide Tutorial
  • Fix more than 20 small bugs 

Changelog 1.6.1

Improvements in version 1.6.1:

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If you make an upgrade from version 1.5.0 to version 1.6.0 then you will get an unspecified error message after successfully finished upgrade process. Kindly press "F5" or "CTRL"+"SHIFT"+"R" to refresh a page in your web browser. You will be logged out and you will see actual version 1.6.0 in the bottom right corner of login page.
  • Improved password admin set up
  • Several Bug fixes

Changelog 1.6.0

Features in version 1.6.0:

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If you make an upgrade from version 1.5.0 to version 1.6.0 then you will get an unspecified error message after successfully finished upgrade process. Kindly press "F5" or "CTRL"+"SHIFT"+"R" to refresh a page in your web browser. You will be logged out and you will see actual version 1.6.0 in the bottom right corner of login page.
  • Bluetooth support - configuration and management of Bluetooth access credentials directly from 2N® Access Commander
  • Forced change of default password - admin is forced to change the default password after the first login
  • Automatically generated login password for newly created users
  • Access Commander will automatically generate new secure password for connected devices
  • Time restricted access rights - specification when access right of a user starts and when ends (set "Valid from" and "Valid to" parameters)
  • Preconfigured default SMTP server (it is recommended to use your own server that you have under a control!)

Improvements in version 1.6.0:

  • Major visual improvements iTime profiles and Attendance module
  • Date picker - easier way how to set or selecet specific date (e.g. filter in logs)
  • 2N® Helios IP Base is supported by 2N® Access Commander
  • Possibility to change "Device name" during the adding process from Scanner or re-write the name on Device detail
  • Changed format of "Time" and "Balance" in user´s Attendance (format is now hh:mm)
  • Improvements in LDAP (connection to Active Directory)

Changelog 1.5.0

Features in version 1.5.0:

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Licence is now based on serial number of any 2N® Helios IP intercom or 2N® Access Unit that is managed via 2N® Access Commander - all previously generated licenses (based on “Computer ID”) need to be re-generated during next 3 months after upgrade to this version! Please contact your distributor to obtain new license file. 
  • Totally new design of web interface (Google Material Design)
  • Integration with Milestone XProtect® Access – access logs from 2N® Access Commander are interconnected with video from monitoring cameras in one powerful interface (Milestone XProtect Client)
  • Integration with Active Directory (LDAP support) - licensed feature!
  • Device monitoring board – real-time monitoring of connected devices (SIP proxy registration, Tamper alarm, Forced door, Audio Loop test and several others)
  • Email notifications – different types of alarms and errors occurred on connected devices
  • Time profiles can have multiple intervals
  • Global search in the system – easy way how to find users, devices, groups or zones from any place in the system
  • Public REST API documentation for 3rd party integration
  • New access event types added to system logs – audio test failed, noise detected, tamper switch activated, forced door, too long opened door, etc.
  • Public holidays are reflected in created Access rules
  • System log filtering
  • New user´s privilege added to the system – user who can manage access rules

Improvements in version 1.5.0:

  • Major visual improvements in Attendance module
  • Employee ID for 3rd party system integration
  • Possibility to temporarily disable selected devices
  • Global CSV export for attendance records
  • We made over 370 improvements

Changelog 1.3.3

  • Possibility to disable SSL during SMTP configuration

Changelog 1.3.2

  • Access Unit support improvements
  • 2N® Helios IP Vario Display configuration improvements

Changelog 1.3.0

  • Automatic device synchronization (no need to trigger sync manually by clicking a button)
  • Manager role privileges introduced
    • User administration
    • Attendance monitoring for a selected User Group(s)
    • Manager Dashboard
  • Attendance PDF export
  • 2N® Indoor Touch support
  • Over 100 minor improvements and fixes:
    • Company can be set up in Setup Wizard
    • Reset upgrade link to default
    • Devices stay in proper state (OFFLINE x ONLINE)
    • Backup and synchronization status remembered after system restart
    • Language updates

Changelog 1.2.2

  • bug fix: stabilization of device synchronization

Changelog 1.2.1

  • system upgrade mechanism improvements
  • default keyboard in system console changed to US English
  • bug fix: sample user import CSV file download didn’t work
  • bug fix: dashboard showed 0 users, devices, zones, etc, in specific cases
  • Since the upgrade mechanism has been changed in this version, it is necessary to run the upgrade twice. After the first execution, the upgrade mechanism itself gets upgraded and the system will still show the original version number. When the upgrade is run for the second time, a regular upgrade downloads a new system version. We’re sorry for inconvenience.

Changelog 1.2.0

  • Company module – Admin can configure access rules for more companies inside one office building (per one installation of 2N® Access Commander)
  • Translation of web interface to 7 languages (CZ, ENG, DE, ESP, RU, IT, FR)
  • Display configuration – Access Commander will automatically detect all Helios IP Vario intercoms with display and allows you to configure it very quickly (create phonebook, nametags)
  • Export of employee attendance to .CSV – Use data from our Attendance with 3rd party systems (billing, advanced attendance, etc.)
  • Import of users from CSV file to 2N® Access Commander
  • Validation – notification about wrong format of entered data; such input can´t be confirmed and saved
  • Two different modes for Attendance tracking – free and IN-OUT mode
  • Support of external USB card reader – support of the newest driver
  • Žádné štítky