6.17.2 Time Conditions

To define the time conditions use the Global Data – Time Parameters – Time Conditions menu. The menu is divided into two parts. A list of available time conditions is to the left and can be created, removed or renamed here via the context menu. To the right you can compile the time conditions. A time condition can consist of several simpler rules that are added up. You can specify, add, remove or edit the selected time condition rules in the context menu.


Figure: Basic View of Time Condition Menu

First select the time condition rule to be added or modified using the Add or Edit options. A dialogue box as shown in the figure below is displayed for you to select the rules.

Figure: Part of Time Condition Editing Menu

With regard to a complexity of time conditions, the following time condition setting rules have been defined:

  1. Parameters that optionally define the absolute time limits (i.e. beginning and end) have been introduced. The time interval has to obey the limitation if applicable regardless of any other settings (including Interval negation). To define the time limit, use the From and To checkboxes and Date and Time fields in the upper part of the time limit setting window.
  2. The other fields except for Interval negation define a repeat rule for each part of the definition. An interval is valid for a selected time point if: 
    1. Holiday is not checked or the selected time point represents any of the defined holidays;
    2. No weekday is checked or the selected time point represents a checked weekday; and simultaneously
    3. no day is checked or the selected time point represents a day within the specified day range;
    4. no month is checked or the selected time point represents a month within the specified month range;
    5. no time is checked or the selected time point represents some time within the specified time range;
  • If the Interval negation is checked, rule 2) is inverted. The limits described in item 1) are not affected.
  • Below, the parameter criteria are specified:
  • If defined, the From and To options have to contain valid day and time data. If you set the From and To parameters at the same time, then the From value may not be greater than the To value;
  • If the holiday option is selected, no other options may be checked except for Interval negation;
  • If the day option is selected, the From and To parameters must range between 1–31 (cum) and the From value may not be greater than the To value;
  • If the month option is selected, the From and To parameters have to range between 1–12 (cum) and the From value may not be greater than the To value;
  • If the time option is selected, the From Hour and To Hour parameters have to range between 0–23 (cum) and the From Minute and To Minute parameters have to be in the range of 0–59 (cum). The composed time parameter From (Hour + Minute) may not be greater than the composed time parameter To (Hour + Minute).

The time conditions can be used for call routing or user profile switching.