Adding Users to Device
The users are added to the device during synchronisation depending on their relations to the device:
- The user should have access to the device, i.e. is assigned to the group that is tied by the access rule with the zone that the device is assigned to.
- The user is assigned to a device button.
- The user is assigned to the quick dial list for the given device.
- The user is a deputy in the case of inaccessibility of a user mentioned in item 2 or 3 above.
- The user is displayed.
The above mentioned rules yield variable sets of users, which can be combined into a final user list to be added to the device during synchronisation.
As a rule, the users are added to the device including their card IDs and switch codes. In addition to the card ID and switch code, the time profile assigned to the access rule is added too. If a user is assigned to multiple groups with different access rules and different time conditions, its card ID (switch code) is added to the device with more time profiles (mask used).
Phone numbers are loaded instead of card IDs and switch codes for users from rules 2, 3, 4 and 5.