5.1 Status

The Status menu provides clear status and other essential information on the 2N Access Unit. The menu is divided into the following tabs:


This tab displays basic information on the device model, its features, firmware and bootloader versions and so on.


This tab displays the statuses of the network interface and selected services.

Access Log

The Access Log tab displays the last 10 records on the cards applied. Each record includes the card tapping time, card ID and type and description details (validity, card owner, etc.).


The Events tab displays the last 500 logged events. Every event contains time and date, event type and description specifying the event. The events can be filtered by type in a dropdown menu, above the event log.

  •  – press the button to export all recorded events to a CSV file.

AccessLimitedEvent generated after 5 unsuccessful user authentication atttempts (card, code, fingerprint). The access module gets blocked for 30 seconds even if the subsequent authetication is correct.
AccessTakenCard tapping in Anti-passback area.
CardHeldIndicates that an RFID card has been held for more than 4s.
CardEnteredIndicates that an RFID card has been tapped.
CodeEnteredGenerated whenever a code ending with * is entered via the numeric keyboard.
DeviceStateDevice state indication, startup of the device, for example.
DoorOpenTooLongDetection of a too-long opened door, settings in Hardware / Door / Door.
DoorStateChangedDoor open/closed state detection. Settings can be made in Hardware / Door / Door.
FingerEnteredFingerprint authorisation.
InputChangedSignals a state change of the logic input.
KeyPressedGenerated whenever a button is pressed (numeric keypad digits are 0,1,2...,9 and quickdial buttons are %1,%2 ...).
KeyReleasedGenerated whenever a button is released (numeric keypad digits are 0,1,2...,9 and quickdial buttons are %1,%2 ...).
LiftFloorsEnabledFloor access via lift enabled.
LiftStatusChangedDetection of Lift Control module connection/disconnection.
LoginBlockedEvent generated after 3 wrong logins to the web interface. Contains information about IP address.
MobKeyEnteredBluetooth authorisation.
OutputChangedSignals a state change of the logic output.
RegistrationStateChangedChange of the SIP Proxy registration state.
RexActivatedEvent at input activation set for the REX button.
SilentAlarmSilent alarm event generated whenever a code higher by one than the correct one is entered. With access code 123, the silent alarm code is 124. Or, whenever a finger is placed on the fingerprint reader module designated for silent alarm activation.
SwitchesBlockedSwitches blocked by an invalid access attempt.
SwitchOperationChangedSwitch operation changed (signals switch lock/hold, timer start/restart/termination – transition to permanent hold).
SwitchStateChangedChange of the switch state, settings in Hardware / Switches.
TamperSwitchActivatedSignals tamper switch activation - device cover opening. Make sure that the tamper switch function is configured in the Digital Inputs | Tamper Switch menu.
UnauthorizedDoorOpenUnauthorized door opening indication, settings in Hardware / Door / Door.
UserAuthenticatedSignals user authentication and subsequent door opening.
UserRejectedUser rejection.