Reporting problem - How to provide logs from the application 2N® Mobile Key

You can send the logs from 2N® Mobile Key application. This method works for both Android and iOS platforms.

Important Information

  • 2N® Mobile Key - version 2.6.0 (227)

Using report form

Let use report form directly in the 2N® Mobile Key application. Just simply click on the option "Report problem" in the setting of the app - follow steps as on the screens below.

Please note that to be able to effectively analyse logs sent from the app - 2N Tech Support needs as much details related to the issue as possible. Please do not forget to always specify:

  • Time/date when you encounter the issue
  • Ticket number - in case you are already in touch with 2N Tech Support and you are sending new logs related to the issue / case which has been already reported to 2N Tech Support.