3. Events

Automation defines the following types of events:

  • AudioLoopTest – audio test performed
  • CallStateChanged – call state changed
  • CardEntered – RFID card entered
  • CardHeld – RFID card held
  • CodeEntered – numeric code entered
  • Delay – delay defined
  • DoorOpenTooLong – excessively long door opening
  • DtmfEntered – DTMF numeric code detected in call
  • DtmfPressed – DTMF code received in call
  • ErrorStateChanged – error state changed (for 2N LiftIP 2.0 only)
  • FingerEntered – fingerprint reader authentication
  • HttpTrigger – HTTP/HTTPS command received
  • InputChanged – digital input changed
  • KeyPressed – key pressed
  • KeyReleased – key released
  • LicensePlateRecognized – license plate recognition
  • MobKeyEntered – Bluetooth reader authentication
  • MotionDetected – motion detected by the camera
  • MulticastTrigger – command for multiple devices received
  • OnvifVirtualOutputChanged – event received from VMS
  • NoiseDetected – noise detected by the microphone
  • RegistrationStateChanged – SIP account registration state changed
  • Rebooted – device start/restart detected
  • RescueTerminated – rescue mode terminated (for 2N LiftIP 2.0 only)
  • SilentAlarm – silent alarm activated
  • Time – specific time (alarm clock)
  • Timer – periodical event timer
  • UnauthorisedDoorOpen – unauthorized door opening
  • UserAuthorized – user authorization
  • OutputChanged – output changed
  • SwitchChanged – output event

See below for details on the events and their Input parameters and use.


The AudioLoopTest block defines the event generated after the loudspeaker and microphone test (Audio Loop Test) is performed. The subsequent actions are executed based on the test result. 

Input parameters

  • Result – this parameter specifies the required test result.
    • Valid values:

      • any – the event is generated whenever the test is performed (regardless of the result).
      • passed – the event is generated whenever the test is successful.
      • failed – the event is generated whenever the test fails.
    • The parameter is optional, the default value is failed.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.


An event generated after the audio loop test if the test result is negative (i.e. the microphone or loudspeaker is out of order):


The CallStateChanged block defines the event generated by a call state change (call ringing, call connection, call termination, etc.).

Input parameters

  • State – define the call state change.
    • Valid values:
      • ringing – ringing start

      • connected – successful call connection

      • terminated – call termination.

  • Direction – define the call direction.
    • Valid values:
      • incoming – incoming calls

      • outgoing – outgoing calls

      • any – both directions.

    • The parameter is optional, the default value is any.
  • Number – define the identifier (phone number, IP address) to be matched against the caller's identifier to make the event happen. Enter multiple comma-separated numbers if necessary. A non-completed value is the same as any.
    • This parameter is optional, the default value is any.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action. 
  • State – the detected call state which generated this event. The options correspond to the State parameter.
  • Direction – the detected call direction which generated this event. The options are incoming or outgoing.
  • Uri – the output containing the opponent's complete SIP uri.
  • User ID – user identification that generated this event. 
  • User Name – user name that generated this event.


Event generated by answering a call from number 1234:


The CardEntered block defines the event generated by tapping (swiping) of the RFID card with the defined ID (for RFID card reader models only).

Input parameters

  • Card – define the RFID card ID; refer to the Card Reader subsection in the Configuration Manual.
    • Valid values:
      • valid – any valid card (included in the intercom card list)

      • invalid – any invalid card

      • any – any valid or invalid card
      • < > (empty value) – the event will not be generated
      • Or, complete the card ID manually (multiple comma-separated items can be entered).
  • Suppress Visual Signaling –  suppress visual signaling (LED, toast messages on display) initiated by detection of an invalid card. The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

  • Suppress Sound Signaling –  suppress sound signaling initiated by detection of an invalid card. The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

  • Reader – define the card reader / module to be used

    • Valid values:
      • internal_cardreader – internal card reader (2N ® IP Vario, Force)
      • external_cardreader – external card reader (2N® IP Vario, Force)
      • any – any reader / module
      • Or, complete the module name manually as configured in the Module Name parameter in the Hardware / Extenders / Modules / Used module menu (2N® IP Verso).
    • The parameter is optional, the default value is any.
  • Direction – define direction
    • Valid values:
      • in – reader with defined incoming direction
      • out – reader with defined outgoing direction
      • any – both directions
    • The parameter is optional, the default value is any.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action. 
  • Card – ID of the detected card which was the last to generate this event. 
  • Direction – configured direction at the card reader (in, out, any).
  • Reader – name of the module which was used (internal_cardreaderexternal_cardreader<module_name>).


Event generated by entering of the card with ID 00123456:


The CardHeld block defines the event generated by holding of the RFID card with the defined ID (for RFID card reader models only). The event is generated by holding the RFID card for 4s at the RFID card reader.

Input parameters

  • Card – define the RFID card ID; refer to the Card Reader subsection in the Configuration Manual.
    • Valid values:
      • valid – any valid card (included in the intercom card list)

      • invalid – any invalid card

      • any – any valid or invalid card
      • < > (empty value) – the event will not be generated
      • Or, complete the card ID manually (multiple comma-separated items can be entered).
  • Suppress Visual Signaling –  suppress visual signaling (LED, toast messages on display) initiated by detection of an invalid card. The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

  • Suppress Sound Signaling –  suppress sound signaling initiated by detection of an invalid card. The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

  • SuppressTones – suppress audio and video signaling initiated by detection of an invalid card. The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

  • Reader – define used card reader / module
    • Valid values:
      • internal_cardreader – internal card reader (2N® IP Vario, Force)
      • external_cardreader – external card reader (2N® IP Vario, Force)
      • any – any reader / module
      • Or, complete the module name manually as configured in the Module Name parameter in the Hardware / Extenders / Modules / Used module menu (2N® IP Verso).
    • The parameter is optional, the default value is any.
  • Direction – define direction
    • Valid values:
      • in – reader with defined incoming direction
      • out – reader with defined outgoing direction
      • any – both directions
    • The parameter is optional, the default value is any.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action. 
  • Card – ID of the detected card which was the last to generate this event. 
  • Reader – name of the module which was used (internal_cardreaderexternal_cardreader<module_name>).
  • Direction – configured direction at the card reader (In, Out, Unspecified).


Event generated by holding of the card with ID 0012456:


The CodeEntered block defines the event generated by entering of a numeric code and confirmation with the * key (for numeric keypad models only).

Input parameters

  • Code – define the numeric code.
    • Valid values:
      • numeric code – 12345, e.g. (multiple comma-separated items can be entered)

      • valid – any valid code

      • invalid – any invalid code

      • any – any valid or invalid code
      • < > (empty value) – the event will not be generated
  • Suppress Visual Signaling –  suppress visual signaling (LED, toast messages on display) initiated by receiving of an invalid numeric cod. The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

  • Suppress Sound Signaling –  suppress sound signaling initiated by receiving of an invalid numeric cod The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action. 
  • Code – the received numeric code which was the last to generate this event. 


Event generated by entering code 12345* on a keypad:


The Delay block defines the event generated with a defined delay after another specified event. Define this event to delay the response to the other event by a defined time interval (Delay).

Input parameters

  • Start – define the event that starts the delay.
  • Stop – define the event that stops the delay. The parameter is optional.
  • Delay – define the delay time. It is only possible to enter a numerical value, not a value from an output parameter produced by other events.
  • Example of valid values:
    • 10 – 10 seconds (units are unnecessary)
    • 10s – 10 seconds
    • 100ms – 100 milliseconds.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.


Event generated 1s after the rise of event on row 1:


The DoorOpenTooLong block defines the event generated in case the door stays open longer than as set.

Input parameters

  • State – state of the door sensor that generates the event.
    • Start – event start
    • End – event end

    • Valid values:

Output parameters

  • Event – output for generating of the assigned Event or Action.


The DoorOpen event is longer than set.


The DtmfEntered block defines the event that is generated by entering of a numeric code confirmed with the * key in DTMF in an incoming or outgoing call.

Input parameters

  • Code – define the numeric code.
    • Valid values:
      • numeric code – 12345, e.g. (multiple comma-separated items can be entered)

      • valid – any valid code

      • invalid – any invalid code

      • any – any valid or invalid code
      • < > (empty value) – the event will not be generated
  • Suppress Sound Signaling –  suppress sound signaling initiated by receiving of an invalid numeric code. The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action. 
  • Code – the detected received numeric code which was the last to generate this event. 


Event generated upon detection of DTMF code 123456*.


The DtmfPressed block defines the event that is generated when the defined or any DTMF code is received from the defined group. DTMF codes are detected both in incoming and outgoing calls.

Input parameters

  • Key – define the DTMF code (or DTMF code group). If this parameter is not completed, the event is generated whenever any DTMF code is detected (default value: Any).
    • Valid values:
  • 0123456789*#ABCD
  • any for any key (default value).
  • Separate the values with a comma to specify a group of codes.
  • Direction – define the call direction.
    • Valid values:
      • incoming – incoming calls

      • outgoing – outgoing calls

      • any – both directions

    • The parameter is optional, the default value is any.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.
  • Pressed Key – the recorded received DTMF code which was the last to generate the event. The DTMF is stored in the Key parameter format. 


Event generated upon detection of DTMF code #:


The ErrorStateChanged block defines the event generated by various error states of 2N LiftIP 2.0 changing.

Input parameters

  • Type – select which type of event will trigger this block.
    • Valid values:
      • any – any of the types below
      • button-error – ALARM1 error


        • A button error is indicated whenever the button is activated longer than as set in Hardware > Digital inputs in the web configuration interface of the device.
      • button-fixed – ALARM1 error end
      • audio-error – last audio test yielded an audio error.
      • audio-fixed – audio error was fixed during the last audio test.

Output parameters

  • Event –  output for generating of the assigned Event or Action.
  • Type – type of the event that triggered this block.


Event generated by the ALARM1 error / ALARM1 error fixed, or audio error / audio error fixed detection.


The FingerEntered block defines the event generated by identifying a known fingerprint on the fingerprint reader (for fingerprint reader equipped devices only).

Input parameters

  • Fingerprint - define validity of the entered fingerprint.
    • Valid values:
      • valid – the fingerprint belongs to a user
      • invalid – the fingerprint is unknown
      • any – any entered fingerprint
  • Finger – define one of two fingerprints stored for the user.

    • Valid values:
      • any – any fingerprint of the user
      • F1 – the fingerprint was defined as "F1" for Automation at the Fingerprint enrolment
      • F2 – a fingerprint was defined as "F2" for Automation at the Fingerprint enrolment
  • Suppress Sound Signaling –  suppress sound signaling initiated by detection of an invalid user (fingerprint). The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action. 
  • User ID – user identification that generated this event. 
  • User Name – user name that generated this event.



 An event generated by valid entering of a fingerprint on a biometric reader.


The HttpTrigger block defines the event generated by receiving of an HTTP/HTTPS command from the intercom HTTP/HTTPS server. When the HTTP/HTTPS command https://ip_addr/api/automation/trigger?triggerId=id is received, the event will be generated whose ID matches the value that follows 'trigger/' in the HTTP/HTTPS command. The intercom sends a simple reply to this request (200 OK).

Remember to enable Automation API and have an account with access to automation in Services > HTTP API to send HTTP/HTTPS commands.

Input parameters

  • Name – define a unique HTTP/HTTPS command identifier including alphabetical characters and digits.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.
  • Params – parameters sent in the SendHttpRequest block or the command coming to the 2N IP intercom.

The HttpTrigger event is always generated by the HTTP/HTTPS command which can carry a list of user Input parameters as included in the URI command.


The list of Input parameters follows the ? character. Each parameter must include the name and value separated with the = character. If the list includes more Input parameters than one, & is used as the separator.

The HTTP/HTTPS-received Input parameters are available as HttpTrigger block Output parameters. The output parameters name equals to the name of the parameter transferred - $(line.param1) a $(line.param2).


Event generated by receiving of the following HTTP/HTTPS command: https://ip_address/api/automation/trigger?triggerId=opendoor :


The InputChanged block defines the event generated by a change of the logic level on the defined digital input.

Input parameters

  • Input – define the logic input.
    • Valid values:
      • tamper – tamper switch input

      • input1 – digital input 1

      • input2 – digital input 2

      • cr_input1 – digital input 1 on card reader

      • cr_input2 – digital input 2 on card reader

    • There may be different lists of valid values for different 2N IP intercom models; refer to the Available Digital Inputs and Outputs subsection.
  • Edge  define the detected change on the digital input.
    • Valid values:
      • falling – falling edge, change from log. 1 to log. 0

      • rising – rising edge, change from log. 0 to log. 1

    • The parameter is optional, the default value is rising.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action. 
  • Output – the detected ID of the input whose change was the last to generate this event. The options correspond to the Input parameter values.
  • Edge – the detected edge change which was the last to generate this event. The options are falling or rising.


Event generated by disconnection of the tamper switch (device opening):


The KeyPressed block defines the event generated by pressing of the defined key or any key from the defined group.

Input parameters

  • Key – define the key or a key group. If this parameter is not completed, the event is generated upon pressing of any key (default value: any).
    • Valid values:
      • 0123456789*# for numeric keypad buttons

      • %1%2, .., %999 for quick dial buttons

      • T – for display touch
      • B – for Bluetooth authentication initializing key
      • alarm1for lift products (ALARM1 contact)

      • alarm2 – for lift products (ALARM2 contact)

      • vas_top – for lift products (upper Voice Alarm Station contact)

      • vas_bottom – for lift products (lower Voice Alarm Station contact)

      • any for any button (default value)

    • Separate the values with a comma while defining more keys than one.
  • SuppressTones – suppress audio and video signaling initiated by pressing of a non-programmed quick dial button. The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the the connected Event or Action.
  • Pressed Key – the recorded code of the key which was the last to generate this event. The key code is stored in the Key parameter format.


Event generated by pressing of # and quick dial button 3 or 4:


The KeyReleased block defines the event generated by releasing of the defined pressed key or any key from the defined group.


  • Vario model: the event is generated whenever the button is pressed, the functionality is the same as with KeyReleased.

Input parameters

  • Key – define the key or a key group. If this parameter is not completed, the event is generated upon releasing of any key (default value: any).
    • Valid values:
      • 0123456789*# for numeric keypad buttons

      • %1%2, .., %999 for quick dial buttons

      • alarm1for lift products (ALARM1 contact)

      • alarm2 – for lift products (ALARM2 contact)

      • vas_top – for lift products (upper Voice Alarm Station contact)

      • vas_bottom – for lift products (lower Voice Alarm Station contact)

      • any for any button (default value).
    • Separate the values with a comma while defining more keys than one.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.
  • Released Key – the recorded code of the key which was the last to generate this event. The key code is stored in the Key parameter format.


Event generated by releasing of 1 and quick dial button 2:


The LicensePlateRecognized block defines the event generated by a license plate recognized HTTP request receiving.

Input Parameters

  • License Plate – define the license plate.
    • Valid values:
      • license plate – specific license plate text
      • valid – any valid license plate
      • invalid – any invalid license plate
      • any – any valid or invalid license plate

Output Parameters

  • Event – Event/Action generating output
  • License Plate – license plate text


An event generated by reading license plate 1A2N3C.


The MobkeyEntered block defines the event generated by reading a known WaveKey on the Bluetooth reader (for the devices with Bluetooth reader only). 

Input parameters

  • MobKey – define the current WaveKey validity. 
    • Valid values:
      • valid – the WaveKey belongs to a user
      • invalid – the WaveKey is unknown
      • any – any entered WaveKey
  • Suppress Visual Signaling –  suppress visual signaling (LED, toast messages on display) initiated by detection of an invalid user (WaveKey). The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

  • Suppress Sound Signaling –  suppress sound signaling initiated by detection of an invalid user (WaveKey). The parameter is optional.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – signaling is not suppressed

      • enabled – signaling is suppressed (default value)

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action. 
  • User ID – user identification that generated this event. 
  • User Name – user name that generated this event.



An event generated by valid reader authorization.


The MotionDetected block defines the event generated at motion detection. Motion can be detected by the internal camera only. The Motion detection Input parameters are configured in the Hardware / Camera / Internal Camera menu, section Motion Detection Settings.

Input parameters

  • Profile  define the motion detection profile to which this event shall respond. 
    • Valid values:
      • any – motion detected by any of the motion detection profiles
      • 1 – motion detected by motion detection profile 1
      • 2 – motion detected by motion detection profile 2.
  • State – define whether the motion start or end should be detected.
    • Valid values:
      • start – start of the motion
      • end – end of the motion
    • The parameter is optional, the default value is start.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.


An event generated whenever motion starts being detected by motion detection profile 2.


The MulticastTrigger block defines the event generated by receiving of a command sent via SendMulticastRequest. The request is a message sent by UDP to a multicast address ( and can thus be received by multiple devices at the same time. The message includes the command ID (Command parameter) and additional optional Input parameters. The message can be password-secured (Password parameter).

Input parameters

  • Command – define the command ID to distinguish the command types. The MulticastTrigger block responds to the SendMulticastRequest action only if the command identifier is the same. Any text containing the A–Z, a–z and 0–9 characters can be used for identification. The Upper/Lower case must be respected in the command name.
  • CheckTime – enable/disable the check of the command receiving time against the time value included in the command message to eliminate attacks caused by repeating of an already processed message. Synchronized time (via the NTP server) on all command sending and receiving devices is required for this function.
    • Valid values:
      • disabled – message time is not checked
      • enabled – message time is checked (enhanced security).
    • The parameter is optional, the default value is 0.
  • Password – define the password to secure the command against unauthorized access. The password must match the value defined in the SendMulticastRequest action to which MulticastTrigger is expected to respond.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.
  • Params – parameters sent in the SendMulticastRequest Action.

The MulticastTrigger event is generated whenever a mass command including the list of user Input parameters (Params parameter, MulticastRequest action) is received. Each of the Input parameters has a user-defined unique name and is available as an Output parameter of the same name in the MulticastTrigger block.

Example: Suppose a mass command generated by the MulticastRequest action is received, in which Params=“AAA=123” is included. The MulticastTrigger event which processes this command will automatically include value 123 for the AAA output parameter. This output parameter can be referred to in the interconnected blocks.


Event generated by receiving of a mass opendoor command:


The OnvifVirtualOutputChanged block helps transmit events from VMS to a 2N IP intercom. 

Input parameters

  • Port – set the port to set VMS. Valid values: 50–54.
  • Edge – define the change detected on the virtual input.
    • Valid values:
      • falling – falling edge, change from log 1 to log 0
      • rising – rising edge, change from log 0 to log 1
    • The parameter is optional, the default value is rising.

Output parameters 

  • Event – Event/Action generating output.
  • Port – port value changed from VMS. Valid values: 50–54.
  • Edge – the last virtual input change that generated this event. Valid values: falling or rising.


The event generated when the virtual port value changes.


The NoiseDetected block defines the event generated at noise detection. Noise can be detected by the internal microphone only. The noise detection Input parameters are configured in the Hardware / Audio menu, section Noise Detection Settings.

Input parameters

  • State – define whether the noise start or end should be detected.
    • Valid values:
      • start – start of the noise
      • end – end of the noise
    • The parameter is optional, the default value is start.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.


Event generated at the start of the noise.


The RegistrationStateChanged block defines the event generated at a SIP account registration state change. Set the SIP registration in Services / SIP 1 and SIP 2. Registration gets changed whenever the intercom is switched on, configuration is changed or registrar connection gets lost, for example.


Input parameters

  • Account – select the account for which events are to be monitored.
    • 1 – account 1
    • 2 – account 2
    • Any – any account
    • Valid values:
  • The parameter is optional, the default value is Any.
  • State – set the registration state that generates the event.
    • Unregistered – intercom not registered
    • Registering – registration in progress
    • Registered – intercom is registered
    • Unregistering – unregistration in progress
    • Any – any state change 
    • Valid values:
  • The parameter is optional, the default value is Any.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.
  • Account – select the account for which events are to be monitored.
  • State – set the registration state that generates the event. 


Event generated when the intercom has been unregistered (whenever the registrar failed to respond to a periodical registration request):


The Rebooted block defines the event generated in case the device is started/restarted.

Input parameters

This block has no Input parameters.

Output parameters

  • Event – output for generating of the assigned Event or Action.
  • Time – device start/restart time.
  • Reason – reboot reason.


An event generated at the device startup.



The RescueTerminated block defines the event generated by end of rescue mode. Set the rescue modes in Services > Rescue mode in the 2N LiftIP2.0 configuration. If the mode is terminated with ALARM2 without any alarm call received, the action is not executed.

Input parameters

This block has no Input parameters.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action


Event generated whenever the rescue mode is terminated using a DTMF password or the ALARM2 button after the alarm call.


The SilentAlarm block defines the event generated upon the silent alarm start. Silent alarm can be started by entering a code higher by 1 than the user switch code. If, thus, a user is assigned switch code 123, silent alarm is started with 124.


Input parameters

This block has no Input parameters.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.
  • Type - type of the event that triggered this block.



An event generated by entering code 112 if a user is assigned code 111.


The Time block defines the event generated every day at a specific time (alarm clock). To limit validity of this event for some days only, use the condition Condition.ProfileState at the started action and specify requested days in the used time profile.

Input parameters

  • Time – define time to start the event. Time is entered in hh:mm format.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.


Event generated every day at 17:30.


The Timer block defines the event generated with a defined delay after another specified event with a defined count of repetitions. Define this event to delay the response to the other event by a defined time interval or execute the response several times.

Input parameters

  • Start – define the timer starting event (i.e. the row number on the Automation tab on which the event is defined). The parameter is optional. If no value is completed, the timer will be started automatically.
  • Stop – define the timer stopping event (i.e. the row number on the Automation tab on which the event is defined). When StopEvent is executed, the timer will stop and will be restarted by StartEvent only. This parameter is optional.
  • Period – define the timer period.
    • Example of valid values:
      • 10 – 10 seconds (units are unnecessary)

      • 10s – 10 seconds

      • 100ms – 100 milliseconds.

    • The minimum period is 100ms.
  • Count – define the count of repetitions. The parameter is optional and the default value is 0, which means that the count of timer generated events is unlimited. Value 1 makes the timer behave as a Delay.

Output parameters

  • Event – the Event output to invoke the connected Event or Action.


Event generated three times in 1s intervals after the rise of event on row 1:


The UnauthorisedDoorOpen block defines the event generated whenever an unauthorized door opening is detected.

Input parameters

  • State – state of the door sensor that generates the event.
    • Start – event start
    • End – event end

    • Valid values:

Output parameters

  • Event – output for generating of the assigned Event or Action.



An event generated at an unauthorized door unlocking.


The UserAuthorized block defines the event generated at user authorization by any access method (code, PIN, RFID, Bluetooth, fingerprint).

Input parameters

  • User ID – define the user/user list. If no value is completed (default value), the user is irrelevant.
  • Authorization – define the authorization result on which the block reacts

    • Valid values:
      • valid – valid authorization
      • invalid – invalid authorization
      • any – valid or invalid authorization

Output parameters

  • Event – Event/Action generating output.
  • User ID – user identification that generated this event. 
  • User Name – user name that generated this event.



The event generated by valid autorization of user Amanda Walters.


  •  The User parameter is limited to up to 10 users.


The OutputChanged defines the event generated at an output change.

Input parameters

  • Output – define the logical input.
    • Valid values:
      • relay1 – relay 1 on basic unit
      • relay2 – relay 2 on basic unit
      • output1 – output 1 on basic unit
      • output2 – output 2 on basic unit
    • The list of valid values can be different for each of the 2N IP intercom models, refer to Available Digital Inputs and Outputs.
  • Edge – define the detected output change.
    • Valid values:
      • falling – falling edge, change from log 1 to log 0
      • rising – rising edge, change from log 0 to log 1
    • The parameter is optional, the default value is rising.

Output parameters

  • Event – Event/Action generating output.
  • Output – detected ID of the input whose change was the last to generate this event. The available values correspond to the Input values.
  • Edge – detected change of the output that was the last to generate this event. The available values are falling or rising. 


An event generated by the change of the relay 1 output.


The SwitchChanged block generates an event on its output if the configured event occurs.

Input Parameters:

  • Switch ID – defines which Switch is used for the event evaluation
    • Valid values:
      • X – where X is a number of the corresponding Switch (typically 1 .. 4, different models may have different numbers of switches)
  • Operation - defines the type of operation of the Switch that is used for the event evaluation
    • Valid values:
      • state – Switch can be active or inactive (default value)
      • lock – Switch can be locked or unlocked
      • hold – Switch can be held or released
  • Edge
    • Valid values
      • falling – the event occurs if the selected operation changes to logical 0 (i.e. Switch becomes inactive, Switch becomes unlocked, Switch becomes released)
      • rising – the event occurs if the selected operation changes to logical 1 (i.e. Switch becomes active, Switch becomes locked, Switch becomes held) (default value)

Output Parameters:

  • Event – an output event is generated when the input event occurs.

  • Switch – the detected ID of the switch whose change was the last to generate this event. The options correspond to the Switch ID parameter values.
  • Edge – the detected edge change which was the last to generate this event. The options are falling or rising.


 If the block has the following setting: Switch ID = Switch 1, Operation = hold, Edge = rising, the output event will be generated (Event output will trigger event) if Switch 1 becomes held.