The Integration service provides interconnection of the device and third party equipment.
Enabled – enable calling to the Axis Camera Station (ACS). A special URI in the format vms:* is used for ACS calls.
Username – set the username for ACS call authentication.
Password – set the password for ACS call authentication.
Genetec Synergis
Enabled – enable connection with the Genetec Synergis external security system.
Synergis Server Address – set the IP address/domain name for the Synergis Server.
Username – set the username for authentication.
Password – set the password for authentication.
Format – set the code format to be sent.
Forward Codes – determine whether or not the set codes shall be forwarded. The codes may have up to 6 digits and have to be confirmed with the confirmation key before sending.
MS Teams
Microsoft Teams integration provides calls between the 2N device and the Microsoft Teams account. You have to configure the Microsoft Teams SIP gateway to interconnect the device with Microsoft Teams; see the instructions in the Microsoft Teams documentation. Once you enter the configuration server address into the 2N device configuration, the integration is accomplished (onboarding). Upon onboarding, you can log in to the Microsoft Teams account in the web configuration interface.
Integration with MS Teams has not been officially released yet.
In firmware version 2.46, integration with MS Teams is a beta feature, the bookmark display must be activated in System > Functions. Integration with MS Teams is subject to the IP Intercom – MS Teams license (Order No. 9137921).
Microsoft Teams Enabled – shows the current state of the onboarding and sign-in process.
Off – Function Disabled
Onboarding – the device is getting/got the common onboarding or individual onboarding configuration (before sign-in).
Onboarding failed – the device was unable to get the common or individual onboarding configuration or was unable to register to the onboarding SIP server.
Offline – no reply from the provisioning server.
Online – the device is successfully register to the final SIP server.
Registration failed – the device failed to register to the final SIP server
License required – the device has MS Teams integration activated but does not have proper licence for this feature.
Phone Number – shows the phone number (ID) the device received from the MS Teams server.
Test Call – display a dialogue window enabling you to make a test call to a selected phone number.
Address Retrieval Mode – select whether the MS Teams onboarding server address shall be entered manually or a value retrieved automatically from the DHCP server using Option 66/150 shall be used.
Server Address – umožňuje manuálně zadat adresu MS Teams onboarding serveru.
DHCP (Option 66/150) Address – check the server address retrieved via the DHCP Option 66 or DHCP Option 150.
At Boot Time– enable check and, if possible, update execution upon every device start.
Update Period – set the update executing period. Updates can be made on hourly, daily, weekly and monthly bases.
Update At – set the update time in the HH:MM format for periodical updating at a low-traffic time. The parameter is not applied if the update interval is shorter than 1 day. The time is set in UTC. Check value in Next Update At to see the actual time the update is scheduled for.
Discovery Service
Integration Server Address – set the URL for the Discovery Service. The device sends HTTP requests with basic information upon its start, upon IP address change and periodically (if configured). If left empty, no requests are sent.
The JSON request sent contains the following information about the device: MacAddress, Dhcp, IpAddress, NetMask, Gateway, SwVersion, SerialNumber, Variant, VariantId, Description, ProductName, CameraResolution (max), HttpPort, HttpsPort.
Verify Server Certificate – enable verification of the integration server certificate to ensure Discovery requests are sent to a trusted server.
Client Certificate– select which uploaded certificate will be used for the encrypted communication with the integration server.