


Version 6

Used Symbols


Synology offers everything you need to complete your NVR setup: the server for storing video recordings, device licenses for installing IP cameras, sleek video management software, as well as numerous value-added features. By combining software and storage in a single device, Synology becomes your single point of contact for troubleshooting and support, which saves you and your security personnel valuable time.

Version 6


Tested Functions

SynologyIP Intercom VersionScan deviceVideo from IP IntercomAudio from IP IntercomAudio to IP IntercomSwitch controlEvents from IP Intercom



2N IP Intercom Settings

Set discovery mode to "Discoverable" and create an user for authorisation.


Enable RTSP Server.


Tested Features

On the side of Synology server you will be able to discover the 2N IP Intercom. Then you have to fill new client details in the section "Device Info", enter IP address manually or browse your LAN network and fill Username/Password - admin/2n.

In the next three pictures just follow recommended settings.



For settings audio from 2N IP Intercom you can see in the next picture just follow recommended settings.

Used Symbols

(tick) - Compatible

(warning) - Work with limitation

(error) - Incompatible