Wisenet Wave



Version 3

Used Symbols


Wisenet WAVE is a VMS that has been launched to answer the needs of projects in the middle ground with an emphasis on simplified user experience.

Version 3

Tested Functions

Wineset Wave2N IP Intercom VersionScan deviceVideo from 2N IP intercomAudio from 2N IP IntercomAudio to 2N IP IntercomHTTP commands from 2N IP Intercom

2N IP Intercom Settings

Settings of 2N IP Intercom is very simple. You have to go to section "Services –> Onvif" and set there "Discoverable" mode as shown in the picture below. Then you have to create ONVIF account with "Administrator" access level.

Finally RTSP stream has to be enabled on 2N IP Intercom. This setting is in the section "Services –> Streaming". You have to enable RTSP server and choose codec. Also please verify that "UDP Unicast Enabled" is checked. All these settings are shown in the picture below.


Notification from the 2N IP Intercom: You need to set up simple automation in the intercom. This way the intercom sends a HTTP command to the Wisenet anytime someone authenticates on the intercom. You need to enter following: URI:http://[ip]:7001/api/createEvent?source=%22Door%22&caption=%22Person%20Entered%22&description=%22Visitor!%22 where [ip] is the IP address of your Wisenet Server. You can substitute texts Person Entered and Visitor! for any other information. Do not use spaces. Username: admin; Password: password to the Wisent admin account.

Tested Features

You will see list of available devices in your network on the left side.

Enter the credentials for Onvif account you created previously in the intercom. Specify whether you want to receive audio from the intercom.Pick one device. Drag and drop it to the layout.


The camera is added.
You can also use a Mobile application or a Cloud account to access the video streams from anywhere over the internet. In the following figure is shown, where to create an account. Remote Access To the Video:
Follow the steps and after activating your account from the email you will receive, you can log in to your account in Wisenet and on https://sync.wavevms.com and access your video streams over the internet.
You can also log in to your account from the mobile app WAWE Mobile for Android or iOS.

Now you can define actions, that take place after the system received this command. Where to do that is in the following image.

There are 3 examples of an action that can be triggered in Wisenet upon the event from the intercom:

1) Event that shows overlay text on specific camera stream

2) To show notification of the event in the right notification area
3) Show the specific camera stream in the Alarm layout when event occurs 
These actions can be used separately. The result of combination of all is following:
You can see the Alarm layout with the video stream from the specified camera, overlay text and a notification.

Used Symbols

 (tikot) - Compatible

(varování) - Work with limitation

(chyba) - Incompatible