5.4.7 Integration


The Integration service provides interconnection of the device and third party equipment.

Genetec Synergis

  • Enabled – enable connection with the Genetec Synergis external security system.

  • Synergis Server Address – set the IP address/domain name for the Synergis Server.
  • Username – set the username for authentication.
  • Password – set the password for authentication.
  • Format – set the code format to be sent.
  • Forward Codes – determine whether or not the set codes shall be forwarded. The codes may have up to 6 digits and have to be confirmed with the confirmation key before sending.

Discovery Service

  • et the URL for the Discovery Service. The device sends HTTP requests with basic information upon its start, upon IP address change and periodically (if configured). If left empty, no requests are sent.


    • The JSON request sent contains the following information about the device: MacAddress, Dhcp, IpAddress, NetMask, Gateway, SwVersion, SerialNumber, Variant, VariantId, Description, ProductName, CameraResolution (max), HttpPort, HttpsPort.
  • nable verification of the integration server certificate to ensure Discovery requests are sent to a trusted server.

  • elect which uploaded certificate will be used for the encrypted communication with the integration server.

  • ovoluje odesílání Discovery HTTP požadavků.

  • t the period of HTTP request sending to the configured URL in seconds.

  • hows the status of the integration based on the response from the server.

  • shows the details contained in the response from the server.