4.7 Access Rules
Access Rules helps manage company group user accesses clearly in zones based on time profiles.
The Matrix folder provides clear and easy access settings. Matrix is available to every existing company and shows all the groups and zones assigned to it. Use the button to create an access rule. Assign a group, zone and time profile to each new rule.
The Search field helps you add users and devices, thus providing a more detailed overview.
The 2N Telekomunikace matrix example shows that:
Matrix helps you change group/zone time profiles quickly and easily, place the device in a different zone and add/remove a user to/from a group. You can simply add a new group or zone to a company matrix if necessary. Refer to 4.3 Groups and 4.5 Zones for more group/zone details.
The List folder shows a list of all the groups including the zones and time profiles assigned to them for all the companies, thus helping you make zone and time profile changes in the groups.
The access rules define WHERE, to WHOM and WHEN access is granted.
- WHO is defined by the group and users assigned to it (one user may be in more groups assigned to one company at the same time).
- WHERE is defined by the zone and devices assigned to it (one device may be assigned to one zone only).
- WHEN is defined by the time profile assigned. This item is not mandatory. An incomplete time profile means an unlimited access (24/7).
The figure below shows the rule creating logics:
- One group can be assigned to multiple zones as well as one zone can be assigned to multiple groups.
- A selected zone-group pair can be added repeatedly with different time profiles.